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时间: 2024-10-05 18:28:21


"Socratism" 指的是与苏格拉底或其哲学相关的特征或风格。以下是一些关于"Socratism"的例句及其中文解释:

1. Socratism emphasizes the importance of questioning assumptions rather than accepting them blindly. (苏格拉底主义强调质疑假设的重要性,而不是盲目接受它们。)

2. Her teaching style reflects a clear influence of Socratism, encouraging students to engage in dialectical inquiry. (她的教学风格明显受到苏格拉底主义的影响,鼓励学生进行辩证的探究。)

3. The dialogue exhibited classic Socratism, with each participant challenging the other's beliefs to arrive at deeper understanding. (对话展示了经典的苏格拉底主义,每个参与者都在质疑对方的信念,以达到更深层次的理解。)

4. His writing is imbued with a spirit of Socratism, urging readers to critically examine their own convictions. (他的写作充满了苏格拉底主义的精神,敦促读者批判性地审视自己的信念。)

5. The philosophy club's discussions often delve into Socratism, exploring how questioning can lead to philosophical breakthroughs. (哲学俱乐部的讨论经常深入探讨苏格拉底主义,探讨质疑如何导致哲学上的突破。)

6. In her approach to ethics, she embraces Socratism, advocating for self-examination and moral reflection. (在她对伦理学的探索中,她采纳了苏格拉底主义,主张自我反省和道德反思。)

7. The novel subtly incorporates elements of Socratism, with characters engaging in profound philosophical dialogues. (这部小说巧妙地融入了苏格拉底主义的元素,人物之间展开了深刻的哲学对话。)

8. The educational reform was influenced by Socratism, aiming to foster critical thinking and intellectual curiosity in students. (这次教育改革受到了苏格拉底主义的影响,旨在培养学生的批判性思维和求知欲。)

9. The documentary explores the legacy of Socratism in modern education systems worldwide. (这部纪录片探讨了苏格拉底主义在全球现代教育体系中的遗产。)

10. The professor's lectures often incorporate elements of Socratism, encouraging students to question conventional wisdom. (教授的讲座经常融入苏格拉底主义的元素,鼓励学生质疑传统智慧。)

11. The play's protagonist embodies the spirit of Socratism, challenging societal norms and beliefs. (该剧的主人公体现了苏格拉底主义的精神,挑战社会规范和信仰。)

12. Socratism promotes an approach to learning that values inquiry over passive acceptance of knowledge. (苏格拉底主义提倡一种重视探究而非被动接受知识的学习方法。)

13. The panel discussion explored how Socratism can influence public discourse and decision-making. (座谈会探讨了苏格拉底主义如何影响公共话语和决策。)

14. The artist's work is infused with philosophical themes akin to Socratism, prompting viewers to reflect deeply on human existence. (艺术家的作品充满了与苏格拉底主义类似的哲学主题,促使观众深刻反思人类存在。)

15. The principles of Socratism are fundamental to the study of philosophy, encouraging rigorous questioning and intellectual exploration. (苏格拉底主义的原则对于哲学研究至关重要,鼓励严谨的质疑和知识的探索。)

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