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时间: 2024-10-05 18:32:08



1. She was passed over for promotion because of sexism.

- 她因为性别歧视而被忽视晋升。

2. The sexist remarks made everyone uncomfortable.

- 那些性别歧视的言论让所有人感到不适。

3. Sexism in the workplace remains a significant issue.

- 职场中的性别歧视仍然是一个重要问题。

4. The advertisement perpetuated harmful stereotypes through sexism.

- 广告通过性别歧视延续了有害的刻板印象。

5. She faced subtle forms of sexism on a daily basis.

- 她每天都面对着微妙的性别歧视形式。

6. Sexism can manifest in both overt and covert ways.

- 性别歧视可以以明显和隐蔽的方式表现出来。

7. The policy was criticized for its underlying sexism.

- 这项政策因其潜在的性别歧视而受到批评。

8. He challenged the sexist assumptions during the debate.

- 在辩论中,他质疑了那些性别歧视的假设。

9. The company implemented training to combat sexism.

- 公司实施培训以打击性别歧视。

10. Sexism affects people of all genders.

- 性别歧视影响所有性别的人。

11. They campaigned against sexism in the media.

- 他们在媒体上发起了反对性别歧视的运动。

12. The law firm faced a lawsuit alleging systemic sexism.

- 这家律师事务所面临一起声称系统性性别歧视的诉讼。

13. Sexism undermines efforts toward gender equality.

- 性别歧视削弱了迈向性别平等的努力。

14. She challenged the prevailing culture of sexism in her industry.

- 她挑战了她所在行业中盛行的性别歧视文化。

15. The organization adopted a zero-tolerance policy for sexism.

- 该组织采取了对性别歧视的零容忍政策。


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