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时间: 2024-09-29 00:53:07


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "inquisitive" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She had an inquisitive nature and loved to explore new ideas. (她天生好奇,喜欢探索新思想。)

2. The child's inquisitive eyes scanned the room, absorbing every detail. (孩子好奇的眼睛扫视着房间,吸收每一个细节。)

3. His inquisitive mind led him to ask probing questions about the universe. (他那颗好奇的心灵驱使他问了一连串关于宇宙的深刻问题。)

4. The journalist was known for her inquisitive approach to interviewing. (那位记者以其好奇的采访方式而闻名。)

5. She had an inquisitive nature, always wanting to know the reasons behind everything. (她天生好奇,总是想知道一切事物背后的原因。)

6. The inquisitive student eagerly raised her hand to ask about the experiment. (那位好奇的学生迫不及待地举手询问实验的细节。)

7. His inquisitive gaze lingered on the old map, trying to decipher its markings. (他好奇的目光停留在那张旧地图上,试图解读它的标记。)

8. The cat showed its inquisitive nature by poking its nose into every corner of the room. (那只猫展示了它好奇的本性,把鼻子伸进房间的每一个角落。)

9. The professor's inquisitive lectures always sparked lively debates among students. (那位教授好奇的讲座总是引发学生们的热烈讨论。)

10. Her inquisitive mind led her to pursue a career in scientific research. (她的好奇心驱使她追求科学研究的职业生涯。)

11. The children's inquisitive questions about the solar system impressed the astronomy professor. (孩子们关于太阳系的好奇问题让天文学教授印象深刻。)

12. Despite her inquisitive nature, she respected others' privacy. (尽管她好奇心重,她还是尊重别人的隐私。)

13. The detective's inquisitive nature helped him solve even the most puzzling cases. (侦探的好奇心帮助他解决了最棘手的案件。)

14. His inquisitive mind constantly sought new challenges and experiences. (他的好奇心不断地寻求新的挑战和经历。)

15. The inquisitive looks from the audience made the speaker feel both nervous and excited. (观众们好奇的目光让演讲者既紧张又兴奋。)


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