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时间: 2024-09-29 00:50:24


Sure, here are 15 sentences using "selectivity" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The selectivity of this college ensures that only the top applicants are admitted. (这所大学的选拔性确保只有顶尖申请者被录取。)

2. The selectivity of the filter allows only particles of a certain size to pass through. (这个过滤器的选择性只允许特定尺寸的颗粒通过。)

3. The restaurant prides itself on the selectivity of its ingredients, sourcing only the finest locally-grown produce. (这家餐厅以其食材的选择性为傲,只选用当地种植的最优质的食材。)

4. The selectivity of the drug targets specific receptors in the body, minimizing side effects. (这种药物的选择性针对体内特定的受体,减少副作用。)

5. The selectivity of the committee in choosing projects ensures high-quality outcomes. (委员会在选择项目时的选择性确保了高质量的结果。)

6. The selectivity of the hiring process ensures that only the most qualified candidates are chosen. (招聘过程的选择性确保只有最合格的候选人被选中。)

7. The professor's lecture focused on the selectivity of historical narratives, emphasizing the biases in storytelling. (教授的讲座集中讨论了历史叙述的选择性,强调了叙事中的偏见。)

8. The selectivity of the scholarship program ensures that it benefits those with the greatest financial need. (奖学金计划的选择性确保它惠及那些财务需求最大的人。)

9. The selectivity of the competition meant that only the top performers were recognized. (比赛的选择性意味着只有表现最好的人才会受到认可。)

10. The selectivity of the advertisement campaign targeted specific demographics. (广告活动的选择性针对特定的人群。)

11. The selectivity of the enzyme allows it to catalyze only a specific type of reaction. (酶的选择性使其只能催化特定类型的反应。)

12. The selectivity of the jury in evaluating evidence was crucial in reaching a fair verdict. (陪审团在评估证据时的选择性对达成公正的裁决至关重要。)

13. The selectivity of the program ensures a diverse and talented student body. (项目的选择性确保了一个多样化和才华横溢的学生群体。)

14. The selectivity of the editor in choosing articles for publication maintained the journal's high standards. (编辑在选择发表的文章时的选择性保持了期刊的高标准。)

15. The selectivity of the policy aimed to reduce traffic congestion during peak hours. (政策的选择性旨在减少高峰时段的交通拥堵。)


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