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时间: 2024-09-29 00:55:01



1. The allurement of the city lights drew him away from his small hometown.

- 城市灯光的诱惑将他从小镇吸引走了。

2. She could not resist the allurement of the luxurious lifestyle offered by the job.

- 她无法抗拒那份工作提供的奢华生活方式的诱惑。

3. The allurement of fame and wealth often blinds people to their true values.

- 名声和财富的诱惑常常使人们忽视了他们真正的价值观。

4. The allurement of the exotic vacation was too strong for them to ignore.

- 异国度假的诱惑对他们来说太强烈,无法忽视。

5. Despite the allurement of the high salary, she chose a job that aligned with her passions.

- 尽管高薪的诱惑很大,她还是选择了一份与自己热情相符的工作。

6. The allurement of adventure was evident in his decision to travel the world.

- 冒险的诱惑在他决定环游世界的决定中显而易见。

7. The allurement of forbidden knowledge can be a powerful force in literature.

- 禁忌知识的诱惑在文学作品中可以是一个强大的力量。

8. His allurement towards risky investments led to significant financial losses.

- 他对高风险投资的诱惑导致了巨大的经济损失。

9. The allurement of easy success often leads people to take shortcuts.

- 轻松成功的诱惑常常使人们走捷径。

10. The allurement of the rare artifact drew collectors from around the world.

- 稀有文物的诱惑吸引了来自世界各地的收藏家。

11. Her allurement of a perfect relationship sometimes clouded her judgment.

- 她对完美关系的诱惑有时使她的判断力受到影响。

12. The allurement of the casino's bright lights and sounds can be overwhelming.

- 赌场那明亮的灯光和声音的诱惑可能会令人感到不知所措。

13. He was wary of the allurement of easy money and preferred to work hard for his earnings.

- 他对快速致富的诱惑持警惕态度,宁愿通过辛勤工作来赚取收入。

14. The allurement of powerful positions can sometimes corrupt even the most principled individuals.

- 权力职位的诱惑有时会腐蚀即使是最有原则的人。

15. The allurement of new technology can sometimes distract from its potential risks.

- 新技术的诱惑有时可能会分散人们对其潜在风险的关注。

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