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时间: 2024-09-29 00:47:41



1. The river was swollen and threatened to breach the embankment.

- 河水涨满了,威胁要冲破堤岸。

2. The train tracks run along the embankment for miles.

- 火车铁轨沿着堤岸延伸了好几英里。

3. The embankment was reinforced to prevent erosion during the storm.

- 在风暴期间加固了堤岸以防止侵蚀。

4. He liked to walk along the embankment to clear his mind.

- 他喜欢沿着堤岸散步来放松心情。

5. The road runs parallel to the river embankment.

- 这条路与河堤平行。

6. They found ancient pottery buried in the embankment.

- 他们在堤岸下发现了古陶器。

7. The embankment provided a perfect view of the city skyline.

- 堤岸提供了一处完美的城市天际线观景点。

8. A path led down from the embankment to the riverbank.

- 一条小路从堤岸通向河岸。

9. The embankment was built to prevent flooding in the low-lying areas.

- 堤岸是为了防止低洼地区的洪水而修建的。

10. The cyclists rode along the embankment on their weekend trip.

- 自行车骑行者在周末游中沿着堤岸骑行。

11. We picnicked on the grassy embankment by the lake.

- 我们在湖边的草坡上野餐。

12. The children loved rolling down the grassy embankment.

- 孩子们喜欢在草坡上滚来滚去。

13. The embankment was lined with cherry blossoms in the spring.

- 春天,堤岸上开满了樱花。

14. The embankment was partially washed away in the flood.

- 堤岸在洪水中部分冲毁。

15. Local authorities are planning to widen the embankment to accommodate more traffic.

- 地方政府计划扩宽堤岸以容纳更多交通流量。

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