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时间: 2024-09-17 13:40:18


1. She played a beautiful concerto by Mozart on the piano. (她在钢琴上演奏了莫扎特的一首美妙协奏曲。)

2. The orchestra performed a famous violin concerto at the concert. (乐队在音乐会上演奏了一首著名的小提琴协奏曲。)

3. He composed a concerto for flute and orchestra last year. (他去年创作了一首长笛和管弦乐队的协奏曲。)

4. The pianist's rendition of the concerto was deeply moving. (钢琴家对协奏曲的演绎令人深受感动。)

5. They are rehearsing Beethoven's concerto for the upcoming performance. (他们正在排练贝多芬的协奏曲,准备即将到来的演出。)

6. The concerto featured intricate passages for the soloist. (这首协奏曲的独奏部分非常复杂。)

7. The violinist performed with great skill in the concerto. (小提琴家在协奏曲中展示了出色的技巧。)

8. The concerto was well-received by the audience at the premiere. (这首协奏曲在首演时受到观众的好评。)

9. The composer was known for his innovative approach to concerto writing. (这位作曲家以其创新的协奏曲创作手法而闻名。)

10. They recorded a new concerto with the symphony orchestra. (他们与交响乐团一起录制了一部新协奏曲。)

11. The concerto showcased the pianist's technical prowess. (这首协奏曲展示了钢琴家的技术精湛。)

12. The concerto is often performed at major music festivals. (这首协奏曲经常在重要的音乐节上演出。)

13. She won first prize for her performance of the concerto. (她因演奏协奏曲而获得了一等奖。)

14. The concerto's second movement is particularly lyrical. (这首协奏曲的第二乐章特别抒情。)

15. The concerto is known for its challenging cadenzas. (这首协奏曲以其富有挑战性的独奏部分而闻名。)


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