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时间: 2024-09-17 14:03:18


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using the word "harpoon," along with Chinese translations:

1. The whalers used a harpoon to catch the enormous whale. (捕鲸者用鱼叉捕捉巨大的鲸鱼。)

2. The Inuit hunter skillfully hurled the harpoon at the seal. (因纽特猎人熟练地朝海豹投掷鱼叉。)

3. The harpoon struck the target with precision. (鱼叉精确地击中了目标。)

4. Old seafaring tales often involve daring harpooners and fierce battles with sea creatures. (古老的航海故事经常涉及勇敢的捕鲸者和与海洋生物的激烈战斗。)

5. The harpoon had a barbed tip to prevent the whale from escaping. (鱼叉尖端有倒刺,防止鲸鱼逃脱。)

6. Modern whaling practices have largely replaced traditional harpoons with more efficient tools. (现代捕鲸实践大多用更高效的工具取代了传统的鱼叉。)

7. The harpoon line was coiled neatly on the deck of the ship. (鱼叉绳索整齐地卷在船的甲板上。)

8. Harpooners were highly respected among their crewmates for their bravery and skill. (捕鲸者因其勇气和技巧在船员中享有极高的尊重。)

9. They struggled to pull the harpoon from the thick hide of the whale. (他们费力地从鲸鱼厚厚的皮肤中拔出鱼叉。)

10. The captain watched through his spyglass as the harpoon struck true. (船长透过望远镜看着鱼叉精准地击中目标。)

11. The harpoon line snapped under the strain of the struggling whale. (鱼叉绳索在鲸鱼挣扎的拉力下断裂了。)

12. In ancient times, harpoons were made of bone or wood. (在古代,鱼叉是用骨头或木头制成的。)

13. The harpoon pierced deep into the flesh of the whale. (鱼叉深深地刺入鲸鱼的肉体。)

14. The harpoon was thrown with such force that it lodged itself firmly in the creature’s side. (鱼叉被投掷出去时带着巨大的力量,牢牢地卡在生物的一侧。)

15. The tribe celebrated the successful harpooning with a feast. (部落为成功捕鲸而举行了盛宴。)


上一个 【英语】poltroon的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】bassoon的例句



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