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时间: 2024-09-20 01:15:10



1. The new mattress was so comfortable that he slept soundly through the night. (新床垫非常舒适,他整夜都睡得很香。)

2. She flipped the mattress over to even out the wear. (她把床垫翻过来,以均匀磨损。)

3. The mattress was too firm for her liking. (床垫对她来说太硬了,不符合她的喜好。)

4. They decided to invest in an orthopedic mattress to alleviate back pain. (他们决定投资一张整形床垫来缓解背部疼痛。)

5. He found a stain on the mattress and tried to clean it with detergent. (他发现床垫上有污渍,试图用洗涤剂清洁。)

6. The mattress was delivered in a vacuum-sealed package. (床垫是通过真空密封的包装送来的。)

7. She covered the mattress with a waterproof protector to prevent spills from soaking through. (她用防水罩覆盖床垫,以防止溅出的液体渗透。)

8. They upgraded to a king-size mattress to accommodate their growing family. (他们升级到了一张特大号床垫,以适应不断壮大的家庭。)

9. The mattress springs creaked every time he moved. (每次他移动时,床垫弹簧都会发出吱吱声。)

10. She fluffed up the pillows and straightened the sheets on the mattress. (她把枕头拍松,并整理了床垫上的床单。)

11. He rolled up the old mattress and took it to the recycling center. (他把旧床垫卷起来,送到了回收中心。)

12. They put a memory foam topper on the mattress for added comfort. (他们在床垫上放了一层记忆棉垫增加舒适度。)

13. The mattress sagged in the middle, making it uncomfortable to sleep on. (床垫中间下陷,睡在上面很不舒服。)

14. She adjusted the mattress height to better fit the bed frame. (她调整了床垫的高度,以更好地适应床架。)

15. They tossed and turned on the lumpy mattress, unable to find a comfortable position. (他们在崎岖不平的床垫上辗转反侧,找不到舒适的睡姿。)


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