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时间: 2024-09-17 13:35:14



1. Banditry has plagued the region for decades.

- 多年来,这个地区一直深受盗匪活动之苦。

2. The authorities are cracking down on banditry in rural areas.

- 当局正在严厉打击农村地区的盗匪活动。

3. The village formed a militia to defend against banditry.

- 村庄成立了民兵组织来抵御盗匪袭击。

4. Banditry often involves extortion and violence.

- 盗匪活动常常涉及勒索和暴力行为。

5. The increase in banditry has led to a decline in tourism.

- 盗匪活动的增加导致了旅游业的下降。

6. Local businesses suffer greatly from persistent banditry.

- 当地企业因持续的盗匪活动而受到严重影响。

7. Banditry along the border has become a serious concern.

- 边境地区的盗匪活动已成为一个严重的问题。

8. They were victims of banditry while traveling through the desert.

- 他们在穿越沙漠途中成了盗匪的受害者。

9. Efforts to combat banditry have met with limited success.

- 打击盗匪活动的努力取得了有限的成果。

10. Banditry thrives in areas with weak law enforcement.

- 盗匪活动在执法能力薄弱的地区盛行。

11. The government launched a campaign to eradicate banditry.

- 政府发起了一场根除盗匪活动的运动。

12. Farmers organized patrols to protect their crops from banditry.

- 农民组织了巡逻队来保护他们的庄稼免受盗匪的侵害。

13. Banditry is a symptom of broader social and economic issues.

- 盗匪活动是更广泛社会和经济问题的一个表现。

14. The police arrested several suspects involved in banditry.

- 警方逮捕了几名涉及盗匪活动的嫌疑人。

15. Local communities are collaborating to combat banditry together.

- 当地社区正在合作共同打击盗匪活动。


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