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时间: 2024-09-20 01:11:06


Certainly! 这里有关于“dictatorship” 的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The country endured decades of harsh dictatorship before transitioning to democracy. (这个国家经历了几十年的严厉独裁统治,然后过渡到了民主制度。)

2. The dictator's dictatorship was characterized by repression and censorship. (这位独裁者的独裁统治以镇压和审查为特征。)

3. During the dictatorship, political opposition was harshly suppressed. (在独裁统治期间,政治反对派遭到了严厉的镇压。)

4. The overthrow of the dictatorship marked a turning point in the country's history. (独裁统治的推翻标志着这个国家历史的转折点。)

5. Citizens lived in fear under the dictator's dictatorship. (公民在这位独裁者的统治下生活在恐惧中。)

6. The dictatorship relied heavily on propaganda to maintain control. (这个独裁统治严重依赖宣传来维持控制。)

7. Opposition leaders were often imprisoned or exiled during the dictatorship. (在独裁统治期间,反对派领袖经常被监禁或流放。)

8. The dictatorship suppressed freedom of speech and assembly. (这个独裁统治压制了言论和集会自由。)

9. Economic policies under the dictatorship favored a small elite. (独裁统治下的经济政策偏向于少数精英。)

10. The dictatorship was known for its human rights abuses. (这个独裁统治以侵犯人权而闻名。)

11. Many citizens fled the country to escape the dictatorship. (许多公民逃离这个国家以避免独裁统治。)

12. The dictatorship maintained control through a network of informants. (这个独裁统治通过间谍网络维持控制。)

13. International pressure mounted against the dictatorship's oppressive regime. (国际上的压力增加,反对这个独裁统治的压迫政权。)

14. Transitioning away from dictatorship required significant political reforms. (摆脱独裁统治需要进行重大的政治改革。)

15. The dictator's dictatorship collapsed after a series of protests. (在一系列抗议活动之后,这位独裁者的独裁统治崩溃了。)


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