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时间: 2024-09-17 13:20:08



1. She adopted a tiny kitty from the animal shelter. 她从动物收容所领养了一只小小的小猫。

2. The kitty purred contentedly as I stroked its fur. 当我抚摸它的毛发时,小猫发出满足的呼噜声。

3. The children giggled as the playful kitties chased each other around the yard. 孩子们看着顽皮的小猫在院子里追逐,笑个不停。

4. Her favorite thing to do after work was to snuggle with her kitty on the couch. 下班后,她最喜欢的事情就是和她的小猫蜷在沙发上。

5. The kitty's green eyes sparkled with curiosity. 小猫的绿色眼睛闪烁着好奇的光芒。

6. They found a litter of newborn kitties hidden in the shed. 他们在棚子里找到了一窝新生小猫。

7. The stray kitty cautiously approached the bowl of food left out for it. 流浪小猫小心翼翼地走近放在外面的食物碗。

8. He couldn't resist the temptation to adopt another kitty when he saw its pleading eyes. 当他看到小猫乞求的眼神时,他忍不住想要领养另一只小猫。

9. The kitty playfully batted at the dangling string. 小猫顽皮地用爪子拍打着晃动的绳子。

10. She spent hours watching cute kitten videos online because she missed her kitty back home. 她因为想念家里的小猫,花了几个小时在网上看可爱的小猫视频。

11. The kitty curled up into a ball on the soft blanket. 小猫在柔软的毯子上蜷缩成一团。

12. They set out a saucer of milk for the hungry stray kitty. 他们给饥饿的流浪小猫放了一碟牛奶。

13. The little girl named her new kitty "Whiskers" because of its fluffy cheeks. 小女孩因为小猫蓬松的脸颊,给它取名“Whiskers”(胡须)。

14. The kitty's gentle purring had a calming effect on everyone in the room. 小猫轻柔的呼噜声让房间里的每个人都感到平静。

15. Despite being grown, he still loved to cuddle with his kitty whenever he came home. 尽管已经长大,但他每次回家都喜欢和他的小猫依偎在一起。


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