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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:06



1. She's quite the missy, always impeccably dressed and polite. (她是一个很有品味的小姐,总是衣着整洁,举止得体。)

2. The little missy insisted on choosing her own outfit for the party. (这个小姑娘坚持自己挑选晚会的服装。)

3. Sarah was known as the neighborhood missy for her cheerful personality and helpful nature. (萨拉因她开朗的性格和乐于助人的天性而被称为社区里的小姐。)

4. The young missy excelled in both academics and sports. (这位年轻的小姐在学术和体育方面都表现出色。)

5. The missy elegantly greeted the guests as they arrived at the party. (这位小姐优雅地迎接到来参加派对的客人。)

6. She's not just a pretty face; that missy has a sharp mind too. (她不仅漂亮,这位小姐头脑也非常敏锐。)

7. The little missy found a stray kitten and insisted on taking it home. (这位小姑娘发现了一只流浪小猫,坚持要把它带回家。)

8. As a child, she was always the adventurous missy who climbed trees and explored caves. (小时候,她总是那个喜欢爬树和探险的小姑娘。)

9. The missy's kindness touched everyone in the community. (这位小姐的善良感动了社区里的每个人。)

10. Her friends affectionately called her "missy" because of her petite stature. (因为她身材娇小,朋友们亲切地叫她“小姐”。)

11. The missy confidently presented her research findings to the academic panel. (这位小姐自信地向学术小组展示她的研究成果。)

12. Despite her young age, the missy showed remarkable maturity in handling difficult situations. (尽管年纪轻,这位小姐在处理困难情况时展现出了卓越的成熟度。)

13. She's a fashionista from head to toe; everyone looks up to her as the ultimate missy. (她从头到脚都是时尚达人;每个人都把她视为时尚的楷模。)

14. The missy's determination to succeed was evident in every aspect of her life. (这位小姐在生活的每个方面都展现出了成功的决心。)

15. Despite her glamorous appearance, the missy remained humble and down-to-earth. (尽管外表光鲜,这位小姐依然保持着谦逊和朴实。)


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