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时间: 2024-11-09 09:45:40


Certainly! "Schillern" is a German verb derived from the name "Schiller," referring to the poet Friedrich Schiller. It means to shine or gleam in a shimmering manner, often used figuratively.

Here are 15 example sentences in German using "schillern," along with their English translations:

1. Die Wasseroberfläche schillerte in der Sonne.

English: The water surface shimmered in the sun.

2. Sein Haar schillerte in verschiedenen Farben.

English: His hair gleamed in various colors.

3. Die Seide schillerte in einem zarten Blau.

English: The silk shimmered in a delicate blue.

4. Der Diamant schillerte in allen Farben des Regenbogens.

English: The diamond shimmered in all colors of the rainbow.

5. Die Glaskugel schillerte im Kerzenlicht.

English: The glass ball shimmered in the candlelight.

6. Die Fische schillerten im klaren Wasser.

English: The fish shimmered in the clear water.

7. Die Flügel des Schmetterlings schillerten im Licht.

English: The butterfly's wings gleamed in the light.

8. Der Stoff schillerte je nach Lichteinfall anders.

English: The fabric shimmered differently depending on the light.

9. Die Ölpfütze schillerte auf der Straße.

English: The oil puddle shimmered on the street.

10. Sein Mantel schillerte in den schillerndsten Farben.

English: His coat shimmered in the most iridescent colors.

11. Der Glanz auf der Meeresoberfläche schillerte sanft.

English: The gleam on the sea surface shimmered gently.

12. Die Edelsteine schillerten im Schmuckkästchen.

English: The gemstones shimmered in the jewelry box.

13. Das Gefieder des Pfauen schillerte prächtig.

English: The peacock's plumage shimmered splendidly.

14. Die Autoscheinwerfer schillerten im Nebel.

English: The car headlights shimmered in the fog.

15. Der Schnee schillerte im Mondlicht.

English: The snow shimmered in the moonlight.

In Chinese (Mandarin), "schillern" can be translated as "闪烁" (shànshuò), which means to shimmer or gleam.

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