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每日一句英语优美短句 30句 汉语翻译(82)

时间: 2024-09-20 00:22:25



1621. 每一次的努力,都是未来成功的基石。  

   Every effort you make is a cornerstone for future success.

1622. 勇敢并不意味着没有恐惧,而是面对恐惧的决心。  

   Courage does not mean the absence of fear, but the determination to face it.

1623. 生活的舞台上,你是主角,别让他人替你演出。  

   In the theater of life, you are the main character; don’t let others play your part.

1624. 成功是把梦想变为现实的能力。  

   Success is the ability to turn dreams into reality.

1625. 不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。  

   Without experiencing the storm, how can one see the rainbow?

1626. 行动是成功的先决条件。  

   Action is the prerequisite for success.

1627. 真正的强者,是在逆境中崛起的人。  

   The true strong are those who rise in adversity.

1628. 不怕失败,只怕不曾尝试。  

   Do not fear failure; fear not having tried.

1629. 心怀善意,眼里有光,生活便会美好。  

   With kindness in your heart and light in your eyes, life will be beautiful.

1630. 每一次的尝试,都是成长的机会。  

   Every attempt is an opportunity for growth.

1631. 生活告诉我们,永远要相信自己。  

   Life tells us to always believe in ourselves.

1632. 学会从每一次失败中汲取教训。  

   Learn to draw lessons from every failure.

1633. 走自己的路,让别人去说吧。  

   Walk your own path; let others talk.

1634. 善待他人,便是善待自己。  

   Treat others well, and you are treating yourself well.

1635. 梦想不仅是星空下的幻想,更是可以实现的目标。  

   Dreams are not just fantasies under the starry sky; they are achievable goals.

1636. 人生最大的乐趣,是不断探索未知。  

   The greatest pleasure in life is continually exploring the unknown.

1637. 要有信念,才能把希望变为现实。  

   You must have faith to turn hope into reality.

1638. 不忘初心,方得始终。  

   Do not forget your original intention, and you will achieve your goals.

1639. 生活没有彩排,每一次都是现场直播。  

   Life has no rehearsals; each moment is a live broadcast.

1640. 时间不等人,努力才是最好的投资。  

   Time waits for no one; hard work is the best investment.

1641. 微小的进步,积累起来就是巨大的成功。  

   Small progress, if accumulated, leads to great success.

1642. 人生就像骑自行车,想要保持平衡就得保持前进。  

   Life is like riding a bicycle; to stay balanced, you must keep moving forward.

1643. 抱怨无济于事,行动才是改变的力量。  

   Complaining does nothing; action is the power of change.

1644. 每一个成功的人都曾经是一个梦想家。  

   Every successful person was once a dreamer.

1645. 生活给我们带来挑战,也给我们带来机会。  

   Life brings us challenges, but also opportunities.

1646. 坚持自己的信念,终究会迎来成功的曙光。  

   Stick to your beliefs, and you will eventually welcome the dawn of success.

1647. 友谊是人生的调味品。  

   Friendship is the spice of life.

1648. 做你所爱,爱你所做。  

   Do what you love, and love what you do.

1649. 未来取决于你现在的决定。  

   The future depends on your present decisions.

1650. 无论今天有多么艰难,明天都是新的开始。  

   No matter how tough today is, tomorrow is a new beginning.


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