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每日一句英语优美短句 35句 汉语翻译(84)

时间: 2024-09-19 09:26:48



1651. 把每一天都当作最后一天去生活。  

   Live each day as if it were your last.

1652. 你只需迈出第一步,剩下的路自然会出现。  

   You only need to take the first step; the rest will unfold.

1653. 积极的心态是成功的关键。  

   A positive attitude is the key to success.

1654. 没有什么可以阻挡我实现梦想的决心。  

   Nothing can stop my determination to achieve my dreams.

1655. 做一个让自己感到骄傲的人。  

   Be someone you can be proud of.

1656. 生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中跳舞。  

   Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

1657. 改变从自我开始。  

   Change begins with oneself.

1658. 主动出击,机会就会向你走来。  

   Take initiative, and opportunities will come to you.

1659. 每个结束都是一个新的开始。  

   Every ending is a new beginning.

1660. 勇敢并不意味着没有恐惧,而是有恐惧仍能前行。  

   Courage does not mean the absence of fear, but moving forward despite it.

1661. 成功在于持续的努力和毅力。  

   Success lies in continuous effort and perseverance.

1662. 行动胜于空谈。  

   Action speaks louder than words.

1663. 快乐是对生活方式的选择。  

   Happiness is a choice of lifestyle.

1664. 难题是能力的试金石。  

   Challenges are the touchstones of ability.

1665. 生活要有追求,才会充满意义。  

   Life must have pursuits to be meaningful.

1666. 坚定的信念可以战胜一切困难。  

   Firm belief can overcome all difficulties.

1667. 最大的风险,就是不冒任何风险。  

   The greatest risk is not taking any risk at all.

1668. 微笑是解决许多问题的最好良药。  

   A smile is the best remedy for many problems.

1669. 每天都给自己一个微笑的理由。  

   Give yourself a reason to smile every day.

1670. 最伟大的荣耀不是从未跌倒,而是每次跌倒后都能站起来。  

   The greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

1671. 最好的时光是现在。  

   The best time is now.

1672. 失败并不可怕,放弃才是真正的失败。  

   Failure is not scary; giving up is the real failure.

1673. 知识是一种力量,实践是力量的根基。  

   Knowledge is power; practice is the foundation of power.

1674. 行走在梦想的路上,永远不要停下脚步。  

   Walk the path of your dreams; never stop moving forward.

1675. 用心去做每一件事情,才能体会到生活的精彩。  

   Do everything with heart to experience the wonders of life.

1676. 追求完美的过程本身就是一种成长。  

   The pursuit of perfection itself is a form of growth.

1677. 让新鲜的挑战成为你成长的动力。  

   Let new challenges become your motivation for growth.

1678. 生命的意义在于体验,不在于拥有。  

   The meaning of life lies in experiences, not possessions.

1679. 迎接变化,拥抱不确定性。  

   Embrace change and welcome uncertainty.

1680. 与其担心未来,不如把握当下。  

   Instead of worrying about the future, seize the present.

1681. 人生旅程中,伴侣的陪伴尤为珍贵。  

   The companionship of partners in life's journey is precious.

1682. 在人生的舞台上,勇敢展现真实的自己。  

   On the stage of life, bravely show your true self.

1683. 善待他人是善待自己的开始。  

   Treating others well is the beginning of treating yourself well.

1684. 每一个精彩的故事,都有一段辛酸的旅程。  

   Every wonderful story has a journey of hardships.

1685. 心中有爱,眼里有光,生活永远美好。  

   With love in your heart and light in your eyes, life is always beautiful.


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