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时间: 2024-07-03 00:15:06



1. 海口是海南省的省会城市。

HaiKou is the provincial capital of Hainan.

2. 海口的夜景非常美丽。

The night view of Haikou is very beautiful.

3. 我计划下个月去海口旅游。

I plan to visit Haikou next month.

4. 海口是一个宜居的城市。

Haikou is a livable city.

5. 海口有许多美丽的海滩。

Haikou has many beautiful beaches.

6. 海口的气候非常宜人。

The climate in Haikou is very pleasant.

7. 海口的椰子很有名。

The coconuts in Haikou are very famous.

8. 海口是一个适合度假的地方。

Haikou is a great place for a vacation.

9. 海口的交通便利,很容易到达。

The transportation in Haikou is convenient and easy to access.

10. 海口有许多历史悠久的景点。

Haikou has many historical attractions.

11. 海口的海鲜非常新鲜美味。

The seafood in Haikou is very fresh and delicious.

12. 海口是一个适合水上活动的地方。

Haikou is a great place for water activities.

13. 海口的人们非常友好热情。

The people in Haikou are very friendly and hospitable.

14. 海口有许多现代化的建筑。

Haikou has many modern buildings.

15. 海口的风景如画,吸引了许多游客。

The picturesque scenery of Haikou attracts many tourists.

16. 海口的文化底蕴深厚。

Haikou has a rich cultural heritage.

17. 海口的旅游业发展迅速。

The tourism industry in Haikou is developing rapidly.

18. 海口是中国最南端的城市。

Haikou is the southernmost city in China.

19. 海口是一个充满活力的城市。

Haikou is a vibrant city.

20. 海口的建筑风格独特多样。

The architecture in Haikou is unique and diverse.



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