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时间: 2024-09-20 05:26:22


1. 他做事总是很有道理。

He always does things with reason.

2. 你得懂得事理才能做出明智的决定。

You need to understand the reasoning in order to make wise decisions.

3. 这件事情没有任何道理。

There is no reasoning behind this matter.

4. 他不懂事理,总是做出错误的判断。

He doesn't understand the reasoning and always makes wrong judgments.

5. 我们必须按照事理来处理这个问题。

We must deal with this issue according to reasoning.

6. 她总是能够用事理说服别人。

She is always able to convince others with reasoning.

7. 他的行为完全不合事理。

His behavior is completely unreasonable.

8. 这个决定有其道理。

There is reasoning behind this decision.

9. 你必须懂得尊重事理。

You must learn to respect reasoning.

10. 他对这个问题的分析很有道理。

His analysis of the issue is very reasonable.

11. 她的解释毫无道理。

Her explanation makes no sense.

12. 你必须明白事理,才能理解我的决定。

You must understand the reasoning in order to understand my decision.

13. 他的做法完全不符合常理。

His approach is completely illogical.

14. 这个计划是根据事理制定的。

This plan is made based on reasoning.

15. 你的观点缺乏事理。

Your viewpoint lacks reasoning.

16. 你得懂得事理才能适应这个环境。

You need to understand the reasoning in order to adapt to this environment.

17. 这个决定是合乎逻辑的。

This decision is logical.

18. 他的行为没有任何合理解释。

His behavior has no rational explanation.

19. 我们必须按照科学的事理来解决这个问题。

We must solve this problem according to scientific reasoning.

20. 他的解释非常合理。

His explanation is very reasonable.

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