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时间: 2024-09-20 07:21:48


1. 这位兵士在战场上表现得非常英勇。

The soldier showed great bravery on the battlefield.

2. 这个国家的兵士受到了严格的训练。

The country's soldiers have received rigorous training.

3. 兵士们冒着生命危险保护着国家的安全。

The soldiers risk their lives to protect the country's security.

4. 这名兵士在战斗中受了重伤。

The soldier was seriously injured in the battle.

5. 兵士们在沙漠中进行了艰苦的训练。

The soldiers underwent rigorous training in the desert.

6. 那位老兵士讲述了他在战争中的经历。

The old soldier recounted his experiences in the war.

7. 兵士们为了国家的和平牺牲了自己的生命。

The soldiers sacrificed their lives for the peace of the country.

8. 这名兵士因为表现突出而获得了勋章。

The soldier was awarded a medal for outstanding performance.

9. 兵士们经常要面对巨大的压力和危险。

Soldiers often have to face immense pressure and danger.

10. 这支特种部队的兵士们都是经过严格选拔和训练的。

The soldiers in this special forces unit have all undergone rigorous selection and training.

11. 那名兵士因为勇敢的行为而被提拔为军官。

The soldier was promoted to an officer for his brave actions.

12. 兵士们在军营里接受了各种技能的培训。

The soldiers received training in various skills at the military camp.

13. 兵士们对国家的忠诚是毋庸置疑的。

The soldiers' loyalty to the country is unquestionable.

14. 那名兵士为了保护同伴而冒着生命危险。

The soldier risked his life to protect his comrades.

15. 这位兵士因为受伤无法继续服役了。

The soldier was unable to continue serving due to injuries.

16. 兵士们在训练中学会了如何应对各种战斗情况。

The soldiers learned how to deal with various combat situations during training.

17. 这支部队的兵士们都非常团结。

The soldiers in this unit are very united.

18. 兵士们为了国家的荣誉而奋勇作战。

The soldiers fought bravely for the honor of the country.

19. 那位兵士在战场上展现出了非凡的勇气。

The soldier showed extraordinary courage on the battlefield.

20. 兵士们在训练中锻炼了坚韧的意志和身体素质。

The soldiers developed strong willpower and physical fitness during training.

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