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时间: 2024-09-20 05:46:29


1. 他们决定同居一段时间来测试他们的关系。

They decided to live together for a while to test their relationship.

2. 我们同居了两年后决定结婚。

We decided to get married after living together for two years.

3. 我们刚开始同居的时候,有很多问题需要解决。

There were a lot of issues to work out when we first started living together.

4. 他们同居了一年后分手了。

They broke up after living together for a year.

5. 我们同居了三个月,感觉很幸福。

We've been living together for three months and it feels great.

6. 她和男朋友同居了一段时间,但最终还是分手了。

She lived with her boyfriend for a while, but they eventually broke up.

7. 我们决定同居一段时间来节省房租。

We decided to live together for a while to save on rent.

8. 他们同居了五年后终于结婚了。

They finally got married after living together for five years.

9. 我们同居的经历让我们更加了解彼此。

Living together has helped us understand each other better.

10. 他们同居了一段时间后,意识到彼此并不适合。

They realized they weren't compatible after living together for a while.

11. Living together before marriage is becoming more common in many cultures.

12. They decided to move in together after dating for a year.

13. Living together has its challenges, but it also has its rewards.

14. She was hesitant about the idea of living together before marriage.

15. They have been living together for three years and are still going strong.

16. Living together has taught us how to compromise and communicate effectively.

17. They are planning to live together for a year before deciding on marriage.

18. Living together has shown us the importance of sharing responsibilities.

19. They are considering living together as a way to test their compatibility.

20. Living together has brought us closer and strengthened our relationship.

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