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时间: 2024-09-28 22:55:54



1. The dissonant chords created a sense of tension and unease in the music. (这些不和谐的和弦在音乐中制造了紧张和不安的感觉。)

2. Her dissonant opinions clashed with those of her colleagues. (她的不和谐观点与她的同事们相冲突。)

3. The dissonant relationship between the two countries led to diplomatic tensions. (两国之间的不和谐关系导致了外交紧张局势。)

4. The dissonant colors in the painting created a jarring effect on the viewer. (画中的不和谐色彩给观众带来了一种刺耳的效果。)

5. The dissonant ideas in his speech left the audience confused and uncertain. (他演讲中的不和谐观点让听众感到困惑和不确定。)

6. Their dissonant laughter echoed through the empty hallway. (他们的不和谐笑声在空荡荡的走廊中回荡。)

7. The dissonant elements in the novel highlighted the protagonist's internal conflicts. (小说中的不和谐因素突显了主人公的内心冲突。)

8. The dissonant tones of his voice indicated his frustration and anger. (他声音中的不和谐音调表明了他的沮丧和愤怒。)

9. The dissonant blend of modern and traditional architecture was controversial among the city's residents. (现代与传统建筑的不和谐融合在城市居民中引起了争议。)

10. The dissonant policies of the government contributed to social unrest. (政府的不和谐政策导致了社会动荡。)

11. Their dissonant interpretations of the data led to conflicting conclusions. (他们对数据的不和谐解释导致了相互矛盾的结论。)

12. The dissonant atmosphere in the meeting room made negotiations difficult. (会议室中的不和谐氛围使得谈判变得困难。)

13. The dissonant rhythms in the dance routine surprised and intrigued the audience. (舞蹈节目中的不和谐节奏让观众感到惊讶和好奇。)

14. The dissonant styles of the two artists clashed in the exhibition. (两位艺术家的不和谐风格在展览中发生了冲突。)

15. The dissonant relationship between the characters added depth to the storyline. (人物之间的不和谐关系为故事情节增添了深度。)


上一个 【英语】dissonance的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】consonant的例句



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