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时间: 2024-09-28 23:02:39



1. The indurated clay formed a solid barrier against water penetration. (这块硬化的黏土形成了一个坚固的屏障,防止水渗透。)

2. His indurated heart softened when he saw the plight of the refugees. (当他看到难民的困境时,他那颗已经变得麻木的心开始软化。)

3. The doctor noted the indurated area around the wound, indicating a possible infection. (医生注意到伤口周围的硬化区域,表明可能存在感染。)

4. Over time, the constant pressure had indurated the skin on her palms. (随着时间的推移,持续的压力使她手掌的皮肤变得硬化。)

5. The indurated plaque on his teeth required professional cleaning. (牙齿上的硬化斑块需要专业清洁。)

6. The indurated lava cooled into solid rock formations. (硬化的岩浆冷却后形成了坚固的岩石结构。)

7. The indurated scar tissue made movement painful for the athlete. (硬化的疤痕组织使得这位运动员的活动十分痛苦。)

8. The surgeon encountered indurated tissue during the operation. (外科医生在手术中遇到了硬化组织。)

9. The indurated soil resisted efforts to till it for planting. (这块硬化的土壤抵抗了耕种的努力。)

10. The indurated muscles indicated years of strenuous physical labor. (硬化的肌肉显示出多年的剧烈体力劳动。)

11. The indurated attitude of the board members made compromise difficult. (董事会成员的顽固态度使妥协变得困难。)

12. The indurated concrete of the bunker provided protection against enemy fire. (掩体的硬化混凝土提供了对敌人火力的保护。)

13. The indurated shell of the tortoise protects it from predators. (乌龟的硬化壳保护它免受捕食者的伤害。)

14. Years of neglect had left an indurated layer of grime on the windows. (多年的忽视使窗户上形成了一层硬化的污垢。)

15. The indurated bureaucracy slowed down the implementation of new policies. (官僚主义的僵化使得新政策的实施进展缓慢。)


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