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时间: 2024-09-28 22:58:54



1. He met an inglorious end after years of corruption. (他在多年的腐败生活后,以不光彩的方式结束了生命。)

2. The team suffered an inglorious defeat in the final match. (这支队伍在决赛中遭受了惨败。)

3. He was forced to retreat in an inglorious manner. (他被迫以不名誉的方式撤退了。)

4. The once proud institution faced an inglorious scandal. (曾经自豪的机构遭遇了一场不光彩的丑闻。)

5. He lived an inglorious existence, forgotten by society. (他过着不起眼的生活,被社会遗忘。)

6. History remembers their inglorious surrender. (历史记住了他们不光彩的投降。)

7. The company's inglorious reputation hurt its sales. (公司不光彩的声誉损害了它的销售。)

8. The novel portrays the inglorious reality of war. (这部小说描绘了战争的不光彩现实。)

9. She faced an inglorious dismissal from her job. (她不光彩地被解雇了。)

10. His inglorious behavior shocked his friends. (他的不光彩行为让他的朋友们感到震惊。)

11. The team's inglorious performance disappointed their fans. (这支队伍的不光彩表现让他们的粉丝感到失望。)

12. The inglorious collapse of the business was unexpected. (公司的不光彩倒闭出人意料。)

13. He received an inglorious reception upon his return. (他回来后受到了不光彩的接待。)

14. The town has an inglorious past that few remember. (这个小镇有一个鲜为人知的不光彩历史。)

15. Despite his inglorious reputation, he found redemption in his later years. (尽管他名声不佳,但他在后来找到了救赎。)


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