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时间: 2024-09-10 05:15:44



1. The alarm system went off when the intruder entered the building. (当入侵者进入建筑物时,警报系统启动了。)

2. She screamed loudly upon seeing the intruder in her backyard. (看到后院里的入侵者,她大声尖叫起来。)

3. The dog growled menacingly at the intruder approaching the house. (狗咆哮着对接近房子的入侵者表示威胁。)

4. The security cameras caught the intruder sneaking around the property. (安全摄像头拍到了潜入财产周围的入侵者。)

5. The homeowner called the police upon discovering the intruder in the garage. (业主在发现车库里的入侵者后立即报警。)

6. The guards apprehended the intruder before he could escape. (警卫在他逃跑之前逮捕了入侵者。)

7. The company takes strict measures to prevent intruders from accessing sensitive data. (公司采取严格措施防止入侵者获取敏感数据。)

8. It is important to secure your home to deter intruders. (保护好你的家,以防止入侵者。)

9. The museum was closed temporarily due to an intruder breaking in overnight. (由于一名入侵者夜间闯入,博物馆暂时关闭。)

10. The neighborhood watch group was formed to keep an eye out for intruders. (成立了社区巡逻小组以防范入侵者。)

11. The security guard confronted the intruder in the parking lot. (保安在停车场内与入侵者对峙。)

12. The authorities warned residents about recent incidents involving intruders in the area. (当局警告居民关于近期该地区入侵者的事件。)

13. The intruder was found hiding in the bushes behind the house. (入侵者被发现藏在房子后面的灌木丛中。)

14. They installed motion sensors to detect intruders entering the premises. (他们安装了运动传感器以侦测入侵者进入场地。)

15. The intruder claimed he was lost and didn't realize he was on private property. (入侵者声称他迷路了,没有意识到他在私人财产上。)


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