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时间: 2024-09-28 23:02:47


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with explanations in Chinese for the word "stoic":

1. He remained stoic even in the face of great adversity.

- 即使面对巨大的逆境,他仍然泰然自若。

- *Explanation: 尽管面对困境,他依然保持镇静和冷静的态度。*

2. The stoic old man rarely showed any emotion.

- 这位老人很少表露情感。

- *Explanation: 这位老人很少展示情感,总是显得淡定冷静。*

3. She faced criticism stoically, without any outward sign of distress.

- 她坦然面对批评,没有表现出任何的烦恼迹象。

- *Explanation: 她泰然处之,面对批评时不流露出任何的烦扰情绪。*

4. Despite the pain, he maintained a stoic expression.

- 尽管疼痛难忍,他依旧面无表情。

- *Explanation: 虽然很痛苦,但他仍然保持着一副无动于衷的表情。*

5. The soldier endured the hardships of war with stoic resolve.

- 这名士兵以坚定的决心忍受战争的艰辛。

- *Explanation: 这名士兵以刚毅的决心忍受战争的艰难困苦。*

6. She listened to the bad news with stoic composure.

- 她以坚定的镇静听取了坏消息。

- *Explanation: 她以坚定的冷静态度听取了不好的消息。*

7. The stoic philosopher believed in enduring pain without complaint.

- 这位斯多葛学派哲学家信奉忍受痛苦而不抱怨。

- *Explanation: 这位斯多葛学派的哲学家认为应该忍受痛苦而不发牢骚。*

8. He faced his illness with the stoicism of a true warrior.

- 他以真正的战士精神面对疾病。

- *Explanation: 他像一名真正的战士一样,坦然面对自己的疾病。*

9. Despite the loss, she remained stoic and composed.

- 尽管遭受了损失,她依然保持镇静和沉着。

- *Explanation: 尽管经历了损失,她仍然保持镇定和冷静。*

10. His stoic acceptance of fate impressed everyone around him.

- 他对命运的坦然接受给身边的每个人留下了深刻印象。

- *Explanation: 他对命运的坦然接受让周围的每个人都印象深刻。*

11. The stoic expression on her face revealed nothing of her inner turmoil.

- 她脸上的坚定表情并未显示出内心的烦乱。

- *Explanation: 她的面部表情坚定无畏,没有显示出内心的动荡不安。*

12. Despite the criticism, he remained stoic and continued with his work.

- 尽管受到批评,他依然泰然自若,继续进行他的工作。

- *Explanation: 尽管受到批评,他仍然镇定自若,继续做自己的事情。*

13. The stoic principles helped him navigate through life's challenges gracefully.

- 斯多葛学派的原则帮助他优雅地应对生活中的挑战。

- *Explanation: 斯多葛学派的原则帮助他从容地面对生活中的各种挑战。*

14. She faced the impending doom with stoic resignation.

- 她以坚定的顺从面对即将到来的厄运。

- *Explanation: 她以坚定的顺从态度面对即将到来的灾难。*

15. His stoic demeanor often led others to seek his counsel in troubled times.

- 他的坚定态度常常使人们在困难时期寻求他的建议。

- *Explanation: 他的坚定态度常常使别人在困难时期向他寻求建议。*


上一个 【英语】mimic的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】soporific的例句



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