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时间: 2024-09-10 04:15:37


Sure! 这里有关于“surety”的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. He provided surety for his brother's bail. (他为他兄弟的保释提供了担保。)

2. The company required a surety bond before signing the contract. (公司在签署合同前要求提供担保金。)

3. The bank asked for surety before approving the loan. (银行在批准贷款之前要求提供担保。)

4. She acted as surety for her friend's apartment lease. (她为她朋友的公寓租赁行为提供了担保。)

5. He gave his watch as surety until he could repay the loan. (他用手表作为担保,直到能够还清贷款。)

6. The surety of his commitment was evident in his unwavering dedication. (他对承诺的坚定保证在他坚定不移的奉献中显而易见。)

7. The surety of the product's quality reassured customers. (产品质量的保证使客户放心。)

8. Her reputation served as surety for her reliability. (她的声誉作为她可靠性的保证。)

9. The treaty included surety clauses to ensure compliance. (条约包括保证条款以确保遵守。)

10. They demanded surety against any potential damages. (他们要求提供担保以应对任何潜在的损害。)

11. The surety of his love for her was unquestionable. (他对她爱的坚定保证是毋庸置疑的。)

12. The surety of the forecast depended on accurate data. (预测的可靠性取决于准确的数据。)

13. The contract required a financial institution as surety. (合同要求金融机构作为担保方。)

14. He gave his word as surety for completing the project on time. (他承诺按时完成项目作为担保。)

15. Their long history of collaboration was surety of their partnership's success. (他们长期的合作历史是他们合作成功的保证。)


上一个 【英语】sumptuous的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】assuredly的例句



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