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时间: 2024-09-10 03:36:58


1. She made a well-meaning attempt to fix the broken vase, but ended up making it worse. (她试图善意地修理破碎的花瓶,但结果弄得更糟了。)

2. Despite his well-meaning intentions, he often says things that hurt others' feelings. (尽管他出发点是好的,但他经常说一些伤害他人感情的话。)

3. The well-meaning advice from her friends only added to her confusion. (朋友们善意的建议只增加了她的困惑。)

4. The well-meaning stranger offered to help her carry her groceries to the car. (善意的陌生人主动提出帮助她把杂货拿到车上。)

5. His well-meaning efforts to surprise her on her birthday ended up causing a lot of stress. (他为了给她一个惊喜而做出的善意努力最终导致了很多压力。)

6. The well-meaning teacher tried to motivate the students by giving them extra assignments, but it only overwhelmed them. (善意的老师试图通过给他们额外的作业来激励学生,但只是让他们感到压力过大。)

7. Despite his well-meaning intentions, his actions had unintended consequences. (尽管他出发点是好的,但他的行动带来了意想不到的后果。)

8. She offered some well-meaning advice to her friend, hoping to help her through a difficult time. (她给朋友提供了一些建议,希望能帮助她度过难关。)

9. The well-meaning neighbor brought over a homemade casserole to welcome the new family to the neighborhood. (善意的邻居带来了一份自制的砂锅菜,欢迎新搬来的家庭。)

10. His well-meaning attempts to fix the leaky faucet only made it worse. (他试图善意地修理漏水的水龙头,结果弄得更糟。)

11. The well-meaning volunteer offered to walk the elderly lady home after dark. (善意的志愿者提出在天黑后陪老太太回家。)

12. Despite her well-meaning efforts to help, she ended up causing more harm than good. (尽管她出发点是好的,但她最终造成了更多的伤害而不是帮助。)

13. The well-meaning doctor prescribed a new medication to help alleviate the patient's symptoms. (善意的医生开了一种新药来帮助缓解患者的症状。)

14. His well-meaning compliments often came across as insincere. (他善意的恭维往往显得不真诚。)

15. The well-meaning parent tried to protect their child from disappointment, but ended up sheltering them too much. (善意的父母试图保护他们的孩子免受失望,但结果过度保护了他们。)

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