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时间: 2024-09-17 13:40:19



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1. based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair
• 正义的,公正的
 »a just and democratic society.
 »fighting for a just cause.
  (of treatment) deserved or appropriate in the circumstances
• (待遇)应得的,适当的
 »we all get our just deserts.
  (of an opinion or appraisal) well founded; justifiable
• (意见或评价)有充分根据的,恰如其分的;有理由的,无可非议的
 »these simplistic approaches have been the subject of just criticism.
1. exactly
• 精确地;正好,刚好;正是,的确
 »that's just what I need.
 »you're a human being, just like everyone else.
 »conditions were just as bad.
 »you can have it, but not just yet.
  exactly or almost exactly at this or that moment
• 刚,马上
 »she's just coming.
 »we were just finishing breakfast.
2. very recently; in the immediate past
• 刚刚,才
 »I've just seen the local paper.
3. barely; by a little
• 仅仅,刚刚,差一点儿;只
 »I got here just after nine.
 »inflation fell to just over 4 per cent.
 »I only just caught the train.
4. simply; only; no more than
• 简直;只是;只;只不过
 »they were just interested in making money.
  really; absolutely (used for emphasis)
• [用于强调]真正地;绝对地,完全地
 »they're just great.
  used as a polite formula for giving permission or making a request
• [用作给予允许或请求的客套语]
 »just help yourselves.
  [with modal] possibly (used to indicate a slight chance of something happening or being true)
• 可能地
 »it might just help.
5. expressing agreement
• [表示同意]
 »‘Simon really messed things up.’ ‘Didn't he just?’.
just about
1. [informal] almost exactly; nearly
[非正式] 几乎;差不多
 »he can do just about anything.
just as well
1. a good or fortunate thing
• 幸好
 »it was just as well I didn't know at the time.
just in case
1. as a precaution
• 以防万一
just a minute (或 moment,或 second,等)
1. used to ask someone to wait or pause for a short time
• 请稍等[用于请某人等候或暂停片刻]
  used to interrupt someone, especially in protest or disagreement
• 等一下,等一等[尤用于表示抗议或不同意时打断某人]
just now
1. at this moment
• 此时此刻
 »it's pretty hectic just now.
2. a little time ago
• 刚才
 »she was talking to me just now.
3. [S. African] in a little while; very soon
[南非] 很快,马上;不久
 »I'll come just now but I want breakfast first.
just on
1. (with reference to time and numbers) exactly
• (指时间或数字)刚好,正好
 »it was just on midnight.
just so
1. arranged or done very neatly and carefully
• 整洁,井井有条
 »polishing the furniture and making everything just so.
2. [formal] used to express agreement
[正式] 好,没问题[用于表示同意]
justly adverb
justness noun
1. late Middle English: via Old French from Latin justus, from jus 'law, right'
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