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时间: 2024-09-17 13:36:21



/ tFeindV /

1. make or become different
• 更改;改变
 »[with obj.] a proposal to change the law.
 »filters change the ammonia into nitrate.
 »[no obj.] the caterpillar begins to change to the chrysalis stage after two or three weeks.
  [no obj., with complement] alter in terms of
• (某方面)改变
 »the ferns began to change shape.
  [no obj.] (of traffic lights) move from one colour of signal to another
• (交通信号灯)变色
  [no obj.] (of the moon) arrive at a fresh phase; become new
• (月亮)转成新月相;转成新月
2. [with obj.] take or use another instead of
• 改换
 »she decided to change her name.
  move from one to another
• 换(乘)
 »she had to change trains.
  [no obj.] move to a different train, bus, or underground line
• 转车
 »we had to change at Rugby.
  give up or get rid of (something) in exchange for something else
• 把…换成…
 »we changed the flagstones for quarry tiles.
  remove (something, typically something dirty or faulty) and replace it with another of the same kind
• 更换…(尤指肮脏或有故障的东西)
 »he scarcely knew how to change a plug.
  put a clean nappy on (a baby or young child)
• 给(小孩)换尿布
  engage a different gear in a motor vehicle
• (给机动车)换排挡
 »he changed into second.
 »[with obj.] wait for a gap and then change gear.
 »with business concluded, the convention changes gear and a gigantic circus takes over the town. .
  exchange (a sum of money) for the same sum in a different currency or denomination
• 兑换(货币)
  [no obj.] put different clothes on
• 更衣
 »he changed for dinner.
1. an act or process through which something becomes different
• 变化;转变
 »the change from a nomadic to an agricultural society.
 »[mass noun] activities related to environmental change.
  the substitution of one thing for another
• 替换
 »we need a change of government.
  an alteration or modification
• 变更;修改
 »a change came over Eddie's face.
  a new or refreshingly different experience
• 全新体验;令人耳目一新的经历
 »couscous makes an interesting change from rice.
  [in sing.] a clean garment or garments as a replacement for something one is wearing
• 干净衣物;换洗衣物
 » a change of socks.
  (the change 或 the change of life)[informal] the menopause
[非正式] 更年期,绝经期
  the moon's arrival at a fresh phase, typically at the new moon
• 新月相(尤指新月)的出现
2. [mass noun] coins as opposed to banknotes
• 硬币
 »a handful of loose change.
  money given in exchange for the same sum in larger units
• 零钱
  money returned to someone as the balance of the sum paid for something
• 找头
3. [一般作 changes] an order in which a peal of bells can be rung
• 钟乐敲打的一种套路
4. [Change 或 'Change] (historical)a place where merchants met to do business
[史] 商品交易所
change address
1. move house or business premises
• 搬家;迁址
change colour
1. blanch or flush
• (脸色)变白(或发红)
change hands
1. (of a business or building) pass to a different owner
• (生意,楼房)转手
  (of money or a marketable commodity) pass to another person in the course of a business transaction
• (交易中钱财或货品)转手
a change is as good as a rest
1. (proverb)a change of work or occupation can be as restorative or refreshing as a period of relaxation
[谚] 改换工作益如休养
change one's mind
1. adopt a different opinion or plan
• 改变看法;更改计划
a change of air
1. a different climate, typically as means of improving one's health
• 改换环境(多指易地疗养)
a change of heart
1. a move to a different opinion or attitude
• 改变见解;改变态度
change places
1. exchange places or roles
• 互换位置;互换角色
change step
1. alter one's step so that the opposite leg is the one that marks time when marching
• (行军时)换步
change the subject
1. begin talking of something different, especially to avoid embarrassment
• (尤指为避免尴尬而)转换话题
change one's tune
1. express a very different opinion or behave in a very different way, especially in response to a change in circumstances
• (尤指为适应情况变化而)改口(或改变做法),见风使舵
for a change
1. contrary to how things usually happen or in order to introduce variety
• 与惯常相反;为了变变花样
 »it's nice to be pampered for a change.
get no change out of
1. [Brit. informal] fail to get information or a desired reaction from
[英,非正式] 从…处一无所获
ring the changes
1. vary the ways of expressing, arranging, or doing something
• 改变说法;改变安排;改变做法
changeful adjective
1. Middle English: from Old French change (noun), changer (verb), from late Latin cambiare, from Latin cambire 'barter', probably of Celtic origin
change down
1. [Brit.] engage a lower gear in a vehicle or on a bicycle
[英] (把汽车或自行车上的变速器)换到低挡
change over
1. move from one system or situation to another
• (从一种体系或情况)转变成(另一种体系或情况)
 »arable farmers have to change over to dairy farming.
2. swap roles or duties
• 交换角色;交换职责
change up
1. [Brit.] engage a higher gear in a vehicle or on a bicycle
[英] (把汽车或自行车上的变速器)换到高挡
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