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时间: 2024-09-19 11:46:55



/ ri5zE:v /

1. [with obj.] refrain from using or disposing of (something); retain for future use
• 保留;预留
 »roll out half the dough and reserve the other half.
  arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for the use of a particular person and not given to anyone else
• 预订(房间、座位、入场券等)
 »a place was reserved for her in the front row.
  retain or hold (an entitlement to something), especially by formal or legal stipulation
• (指应得的权利,尤指根据正式或法律规定)保留,占据
 »[with obj. and infinitive] the editor reserves the right to edit letters.
  refrain from delivering (a judgement or decision) immediately or without due consideration or evidence
• 暂不作(判断或决定),(暂时)保留(看法等)
 »I'll reserve my views on his ability until he's played again.
  (reserve something for)use or engage in something only in or at (a particular circumstance or time)
• 把…专门留给
 »Japanese food has been presented as expensive and reserved for special occasions.
  (in church use) retain (a portion of the consecrated elements) after Mass for communion of the sick or as a focus for devotion
• (教会用语)弥撒仪式后保留部分圣餐(留给病人或作为祭祀之用)
1. [常作 reserves] a supply of a commodity not needed for immediate use but available if required
• 储量
 »Australia has major coal, gas, and uranium reserves.
  a force or body of troops withheld from action to reinforce or protect others, or additional to the regular forces and available in an emergency
• 预备役部队
  a member of the military reserve
• 预备役军人
  an extra player chosen to be a possible substitute in a team
• 预备队员,替补队员
  (the reserves)the second-choice team
• 预备队
  funds kept available by a bank, company, or government
• 储备金,准备金
 »foreign exchange reserves.
  a part of a company's profits added to capital rather than paid as a dividend
• 资本准备金
2. a place set aside for special use, in particular: an area designated as a habitat for a native people
• (官方指定的)土著人居留地;专用地
  a protected area for wildlife
• 野生动物保护区
3. [mass noun] a lack of warmth or openness in manner or expression
• 矜持,拘谨
 »she smiled and some of her natural reserve melted.
  qualification or doubt attached to some statement or claim
• 保留意见;异议
 »she trusted him without reserve.
4. short for reserve price
• reserve price 的简称
5. (in the decoration of ceramics or textiles) an area which still has the original colour of the material or the colour of the background
• (陶瓷装饰或纺织品印染中保留原色的)防染本色区
in reserve
1. unused and available if required
• 备用
 »the platoon which had been kept in reserve.
reservable adjective
reserver noun
1. Middle English: from Old French reserver, from Latin reservare 'keep back', from re- 'back' + servare 'to keep'
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