时间: 2024-11-08 19:53:07
"Integrity"这个词源于拉丁语中的"integritas",由"integer"(意为"whole, complete")衍生而来,意为"wholeness, completeness",即完整、完整性的含义。最初,这个词用来描述事物完整、完整性良好的状态。随着时间的推移,"integrity"逐渐演变为表示诚实、正直、正义、道德高尚等含义。在现代英语中,"integrity"通常用来形容一个人的诚实、正直和道德品质。
The word "integrity" traces its origins back to the Latin word "integritas," which means "wholeness" or "completeness." It is derived from the Latin adjective "integer," which means "whole" or "complete." In its original sense, "integrity" referred to the quality of being complete or undivided, particularly in moral or ethical contexts. Over time, its meaning has evolved to encompass honesty, sincerity, and adherence to moral principles.