时间: 2024-11-09 04:08:38
"enthusiastic"这个词源于希腊语中的"enthousiastikos",由"en"(意为"within")和"theos"(意为"god")组成,含义为"inspired or possessed by a god",即受神灵启发或附体。最初,这个词用来描述被神灵激发或附体的人,后来演变为表示热情、热爱或充满激情的意义。在现代英语中,"enthusiastic"通常用来形容对某事物或活动充满热情和热爱的人。
The word "enthusiastic" comes from the Greek word "enthusiastikos," which is derived from "enthous," meaning "possessed by a god, inspired." In ancient Greek, being enthusiastic meant being inspired or possessed by a divine presence, particularly in the context of religious rituals or artistic endeavors. Over time, the meaning has evolved to describe a keen or fervent interest and excitement about something.