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时间: 2024-11-10 06:49:35


1. 蛔虫在肠道中蠕动。

The tapeworm is wriggling in the intestine.

2. 蛇在草丛中蠕动。

The snake is slithering through the grass.

3. 蠕动的触角使蜗牛能够感知周围的环境。

The wriggling tentacles allow the snail to sense its surroundings.

4. 蠕动的线虫在显微镜下清晰可见。

The wriggling nematode is clearly visible under the microscope.

5. 蠕动的水母在海洋中自由自在地游动。

The wriggling jellyfish moves freely in the ocean.

6. 蠕动的幼虫在叶子上爬行。

The wriggling larva crawls on the leaf.

7. 地震导致土地发生了微小的蠕动。

The earthquake caused a slight wriggling of the land.

8. 蠕动的蠕虫在泥土中钻来钻去。

The wriggling earthworm burrows through the soil.

9. 蠕动的幼蛇在阳光下游动。

The wriggling young snake moves in the sunlight.

10. 蠕动的鳀鱼在水中游动。

The wriggling loach swims in the water.

11. 小孩们模仿着蠕动的蠕虫在地上爬行。

The children imitate the wriggling earthworm crawling on the ground.

12. 海葵的触手在水中轻轻地蠕动。

The tentacles of the sea anemone wriggle gently in the water.

13. 蠕动的蜗牛慢慢地爬上了树干。

The wriggling snail slowly climbs up the trunk.

14. 眼镜蛇的身体在草丛中蠕动。

The cobra's body wriggles through the grass.

15. 水蛭在水中蠕动着寻找下一个宿主。

The leech wriggles in the water, searching for its next host.

16. 蠕动的土壤中有很多微生物。

There are many microorganisms in the wriggling soil.

17. 蠕动的蚯蚓在土壤中翻动着。

The wriggling earthworms are turning over in the soil.

18. 鳄鱼在水中蠕动着向猎物靠近。

The alligator wriggles in the water, approaching its prey.

19. 水母的触手在海水中蠕动。

The jellyfish's tentacles wriggle in the seawater.

20. 蠕动的蝴蝶幼虫在叶片上爬行。

The wriggling caterpillar crawls on the leaf.

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