时间: 2024-11-09 07:10:33
1. 秦岭是中国著名的山脉之一。
The Qinling Mountains is one of the famous mountain ranges in China.
2. 秦岭山脉是中国的自然屏障。
The Qinling Mountains is a natural barrier in China.
3. 秦岭山脉的景色非常壮观。
The scenery of the Qinling Mountains is very spectacular.
4. 秦岭的山峰高耸入云。
The peaks of the Qinling Mountains soar into the clouds.
5. 秦岭是中国著名的旅游胜地。
The Qinling Mountains is a famous tourist destination in China.
6. 秦岭的自然资源非常丰富。
The Qinling Mountains is rich in natural resources.
7. 秦岭的植被种类繁多。
The Qinling Mountains has a wide variety of vegetation.
8. 秦岭山脉是中国重要的生态屏障。
The Qinling Mountains is an important ecological barrier in China.
9. 秦岭山脉的气候变化多样。
The climate in the Qinling Mountains is diverse.
10. 秦岭山脉的野生动物种类丰富。
The Qinling Mountains is rich in wildlife species.
11. 秦岭山脉的秋景迷人。
The autumn scenery of the Qinling Mountains is charming.
12. 秦岭山脉位于中国中部。
The Qinling Mountains is located in central China.
13. 秦岭山脉的山水画卷令人心驰神往。
The picturesque scenery of the Qinling Mountains is enchanting.
14. 秦岭山脉是中国的重要水源地。
The Qinling Mountains is an important water source in China.
15. 秦岭山脉的地质构造复杂。
The geological structure of the Qinling Mountains is complex.
16. 秦岭山脉的冬季雪景美不胜收。
The winter snow scenery of the Qinling Mountains is breathtaking.
17. 秦岭山脉的山谷幽深。
The valleys of the Qinling Mountains are deep and secluded.
18. 秦岭山脉是中国古代的重要通道。
The Qinling Mountains is an important ancient passage in China.
19. 秦岭山脉的山麓有许多古老的村落。
There are many ancient villages at the foot of the Qinling Mountains.
20. 秦岭山脉的自然风光吸引着无数游客。
The natural scenery of the Qinling Mountains attracts countless tourists.