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时间: 2024-09-17 03:10:56


1. 他们互相扶持,共同度过了艰难的时刻。

They supported each other and got through the difficult times together.

2. 她的笑容如鲜花般灿烂,令人心情愉悦。

Her smile is as bright as a flower, which makes people feel happy.

3. 他的话语像一把利剑,直戳人心。

His words are like a sharp sword, piercing straight into the heart.

4. 在这个问题上,我们必须站在同一条战线上。

We must stand on the same front line on this issue.

5. 他的行为举止严谨,给人留下了深刻的印象。

His behavior is rigorous, leaving a deep impression on people.

6. 他的一言一行都很得体,让人十分敬佩。

His every word and action is very proper, which is very admirable.

7. 她以自己的努力和勤奋成就了自己的梦想。

She achieved her dream through her own efforts and diligence.

8. 他的工作态度一丝不苟,从不马虎。

He is meticulous in his work and never careless.

9. 在这次合作中,我们要密切配合,共同完成任务。

In this cooperation, we need to cooperate closely and complete the task together.

10. 在面对困难时,我们要相互支持,共同努力。

In the face of difficulties, we need to support each other and work together.

11. 他的行为举止严谨,给人留下了深刻的印象。

His behavior is rigorous, leaving a deep impression on people.

12. 他的一言一行都很得体,让人十分敬佩。

His every word and action is very proper, which is very admirable.

13. 她以自己的努力和勤奋成就了自己的梦想。

She achieved her dream through her own efforts and diligence.

14. 他的工作态度一丝不苟,从不马虎。

He is meticulous in his work and never careless.

15. 在这次合作中,我们要密切配合,共同完成任务。

In this cooperation, we need to cooperate closely and complete the task together.

16. 在面对困难时,我们要相互支持,共同努力。

In the face of difficulties, we need to support each other and work together.

17. 他的话语像一把利剑,直戳人心。

His words are like a sharp sword, piercing straight into the heart.

18. 在这个问题上,我们必须站在同一条战线上。

We must stand on the same front line on this issue.

19. 他们互相扶持,共同度过了艰难的时刻。

They supported each other and got through the difficult times together.

20. 她的笑容如鲜花般灿烂,令人心情愉悦。

Her smile is as bright as a flower, which makes people feel happy.










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