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时间: 2024-09-19 11:47:03


1. I'll be right back after I grab a drink.(我去拿杯饮料,马上回来。)

2. The store is located at the back of the building.(商店位于建筑物的后面。)

3. She hurt her back while lifting a heavy box.(她在搬运重箱子时伤到了背部。)

4. Please step back and give me some space.(请后退一点,给我些空间。)

5. He turned his back on his friends when they needed him the most.(他在朋友最需要他的时候背弃了他们。)

6. The car backed into a parking space.(汽车倒车进入停车位。)

7. He's been working on this project for a while, but he's starting to feel like he's going backward.(他已经在这个项目上工作了一段时间,但他开始感觉自己在退步。)

8. The team is looking forward to having their star player back in the lineup.(球队期待着他们的明星球员重新回到阵容中。)

9. I need to go back and double-check my work.(我需要回去再检查一遍我的工作。)

10. The teacher asked the students to read the passage from back to front.(老师让学生们从后往前读这段文章。)

11. She was determined to get her ex-boyfriend back.(她决心要挽回她的前男友。)

12. The company is trying to win back the trust of its customers.(公司正努力重新赢得客户的信任。)

13. The politician's promise to bring jobs back to the area won him many votes.(政客承诺把工作带回该地区赢得了很多选票。)

14. The hiker admired the view from the top of the mountain and then began the long trek back down.(远足者欣赏了山顶的景色,然后开始了漫长的下山之旅。)

15. He's been feeling run down lately, so he's taking a step back from work to focus on his health.(最近他一直感觉疲惫不堪,所以他要暂时退出工作,专注于健康。)

16. The company had to cut back on expenses in order to stay afloat during the economic downturn.(公司不得不削减开支以在经济衰退期间维持生计。)

17. She's been trying to get back into shape after having a baby.(她一直在努力在生完孩子后恢复身材。)

18. The police officer told the crowd to stand back as they investigated the scene.(警察告诉人群在他们调查现场时要站到一边。)

19. The company is planning to launch a new product line to bring back customers who have switched to competitors.(公司计划推出新产品线,以挽回转向竞争对手的客户。)

20. The team fought back from a 20-point deficit to win the game.(球队从20分的落后中奋起反击,赢得了比赛。)

上一个 【英语】bachelor的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】back-and-forthing的例句



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