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时间: 2024-09-17 13:25:53


1. We spent all afternoon back-and-forthing about which restaurant to go to for dinner.


2. The negotiations have been back-and-forthing for weeks without any resolution.


3. The team has been back-and-forthing on this issue for days, but they still can't come to a decision.


4. The couple was back-and-forthing about whether to go on vacation or save the money for a new car.


5. The politicians have been back-and-forthing on this issue for months, but there's still no resolution in sight.


6. We've been back-and-forthing about the color of the walls for weeks now.


7. The committee has been back-and-forthing on this decision for so long that it's starting to feel like a never-ending debate.


8. The team has been back-and-forthing on the project timeline, but they still haven't reached a consensus.


9. The parents were back-and-forthing on whether to let their teenager go to the party or not.


10. The company has been back-and-forthing about whether to expand into international markets.


11. We've been back-and-forthing on this issue for so long that I'm starting to feel like we'll never reach a decision.


12. The team has been back-and-forthing on the budget for the new project, but they still haven't reached a final decision.


13. The couple has been back-and-forthing on whether to buy a house or continue renting.


14. The board has been back-and-forthing on the new company policy, but they still haven't reached a consensus.


15. The team has been back-and-forthing on the design of the new product, but they still haven't settled on a final version.


16. The committee has been back-and-forthing on the agenda for the meeting, but they still haven't finalized it.


17. The parents have been back-and-forthing on whether to enroll their child in a private school or a public school.


18. The team has been back-and-forthing on the marketing strategy for the new product launch, but they still haven't come to a decision.


19. The couple has been back-and-forthing on whether to have a big wedding or a small, intimate ceremony.


20. The company has been back-and-forthing on whether to invest in new technology or stick with their current systems.


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