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时间: 2024-10-20 13:11:05


1. 他做了一件恶作。

He committed an evil deed.

2. 这是一个恶作。

This is an evil act.

3. 他们被指控犯有恶作。

They were accused of committing evil deeds.

4. 这是一个严重的恶作。

This is a serious evil act.

5. 他们为了钱而犯下了恶作。

They committed evil deeds for money.

6. 这个人一生中犯下了很多恶作。

This person has committed many evil deeds in his lifetime.

7. 这个恶作给社区带来了很大的伤害。

This evil act has caused great harm to the community.

8. 他们的恶作被揭露了。

Their evil deeds were exposed.

9. 他们应该为他们的恶作受到惩罚。

They should be punished for their evil deeds.

10. 这个恶作将会给他们带来严重的后果。

This evil act will bring serious consequences to them.

11. 他们的恶作被公众谴责。

Their evil deeds were condemned by the public.

12. 他们的恶作让人们感到震惊。

Their evil deeds shocked people.

13. 这种恶作是不可饶恕的。

This kind of evil act is unforgivable.

14. 他们的恶作是出于无知还是故意?

Were their evil deeds out of ignorance or intention?

15. 这个恶作将永远被人们记住。

This evil act will be remembered forever.

16. 他们的恶作伤害了许多人。

Their evil deeds hurt many people.

17. 这是一个严重的恶作,必须受到严厉的惩罚。

This is a serious evil act that must be severely punished.

18. 他们的恶作给他们自己带来了悔恨。

Their evil deeds brought them regret.

19. 这个恶作让人们感到愤怒和悲伤。

This evil act made people angry and sad.

20. 他们的恶作被揭露后,他们的名誉受到了严重的损害。

After their evil deeds were exposed, their reputation suffered serious damage.

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