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时间: 2024-10-20 08:48:47


1. 他被害了,家人都很伤心。

He was victimized, and his family is very upset.

2. 这个小孩被害了,社区里的人都很愤怒。

The child was victimized, and the people in the community are very angry.

3. 她被害了,现在需要律师的帮助。

She was victimized and now needs the help of a lawyer.

4. 他被害后,一直在寻求正义。

After being victimized, he has been seeking justice.

5. 这种行为对被害者造成了极大的伤害。

This behavior caused great harm to the victim.

6. 警方正在调查这起被害事件。

The police are investigating the victimization.

7. 她被害后一直在进行心理治疗。

She has been undergoing therapy after being victimized.

8. 老人被害后,社区对安全问题更加关注。

After the elderly person was victimized, the community is more concerned about safety issues.

9. 这起被害事件引起了社会的广泛关注。

This victimization has attracted widespread attention from society.

10. 被害者的家人一直在寻求公正。

The victim's family has been seeking justice.

11. 被害者需要获得心理支持。

The victim needs to receive psychological support.

12. 这些被害者需要得到法律保护。

These victims need to be legally protected.

13. 被害者的权利应该得到尊重。

The rights of the victim should be respected.

14. 被害者的声音应该被听到。

The voice of the victim should be heard.

15. 被害者需要得到社会的支持。

The victim needs to receive support from society.

16. 这些被害者对于正义的渴望是强烈的。

These victims have a strong desire for justice.

17. 被害者应该得到公平的对待。

The victim should be treated fairly.

18. 警方对被害者的保护应该得到重视。

The protection of victims by the police should be taken seriously.

19. 被害者的权利应该得到法律的保障。

The rights of the victim should be legally protected.

20. 被害者需要得到社会的同情和理解。

The victim needs to receive sympathy and understanding from society.

上一个 【汉语】恶作的例句,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】盖过的例句,中英对照



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