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时间: 2024-11-06 17:05:16


1. 这个房间很宽大,可以容纳很多人。

This room is spacious and can accommodate many people.

2. 这条裙子的裙摆非常宽大,非常适合夏天穿。

The skirt has a very wide hem, which is perfect for wearing in the summer.

3. 这个公司的宽大包容让员工感到很舒适。

The company's generous and inclusive culture makes employees feel comfortable.

4. 她的心胸宽大,不会计较小事。

She has a broad mind and doesn't sweat the small stuff.

5. 这次活动的宽大场地让参与者有足够的空间活动。

The spacious venue for this event allows participants plenty of room to move around.

6. 他的宽大胸怀让我感到很放心。

His open-mindedness makes me feel at ease.

7. 她的宽大举止让人们感到亲切。

Her generous demeanor makes people feel warm and friendly.

8. 这辆车的后备箱非常宽大,可以容纳很多行李。

The car's trunk is very spacious and can accommodate a lot of luggage.

9. 这个城市的公园非常宽大,是散步的好去处。

The city's parks are very spacious and are great places for a stroll.

10. 酒店的宽大客房给客人带来了舒适的住宿体验。

The hotel's spacious rooms provide guests with a comfortable stay.

11. 他的宽大心胸让他成为了一个受人尊敬的领袖。

His broad-mindedness has made him a respected leader.

12. 这条河流宽大,水流湍急。

The river is wide and the water flows swiftly.

13. 她的宽大胸怀使她成为了一个很好的朋友。

Her broad-mindedness makes her a great friend.

14. 这家餐厅的宽大用餐区域给顾客带来了愉快的用餐体验。

The restaurant's spacious dining area provides customers with a pleasant dining experience.

15. 这个国家的宽大海岸线吸引了许多游客。

The country's extensive coastline attracts many tourists.

16. 她的宽大心胸让她成为了一个受人喜爱的老师。

Her open-mindedness has made her a beloved teacher.

17. 这部手机的屏幕非常宽大,适合观看视频。

The screen of this mobile phone is very wide, perfect for watching videos.

18. 这片田地宽大,适合种植大量庄稼。

The field is spacious, suitable for growing a large amount of crops.

19. 这个公司的宽大政策吸引了许多优秀员工。

The company's generous policies have attracted many outstanding employees.

20. 这个图书馆的宽大阅览室给学生提供了良好的学习环境。

The library's spacious reading room provides students with a good study environment.

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