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时间: 2024-09-20 10:04:49


1. 我喜欢登山,因为可以俯瞰整个风景。

I enjoy mountain climbing because I can have a bird's-eye view of the entire scenery.

2. 登山需要毅力和耐心。

Mountain climbing requires perseverance and patience.

3. 在登山途中,我感受到了大自然的力量和美丽。

During the climb, I felt the power and beauty of nature.

4. 登山让我感到充满活力和挑战。

Mountain climbing makes me feel energized and challenged.

5. 登山需要艰苦训练和准备。

Mountain climbing requires rigorous training and preparation.

6. 登山时要注意安全,随身携带必要的装备。

Safety should be a priority when mountain climbing, and necessary equipment should be carried at all times.

7. 登山让我感到自己的身体和意志力得到了锻炼。

Mountain climbing has strengthened both my physical and mental endurance.

8. 登山让我发现了自己的潜力。

Mountain climbing has helped me discover my own potential.

9. 登山让我对大自然有了更深的理解和尊重。

Mountain climbing has given me a deeper understanding and respect for nature.

10. 登山让我结识了许多志同道合的朋友。

Mountain climbing has allowed me to make many like-minded friends.

11. 登山让我远离城市的喧嚣,享受了大自然的宁静。

Mountain climbing has taken me away from the hustle and bustle of the city, allowing me to enjoy the tranquility of nature.

12. 登山是一种挑战,但也是一种享受。

Mountain climbing is a challenge, but it is also a form of enjoyment.

13. 登山的过程充满了未知和惊喜。

The process of mountain climbing is full of unknowns and surprises.

14. 登山让我感受到了身心的放松和平静。

Mountain climbing has brought me a sense of relaxation and tranquility both physically and mentally.

15. 登山让我深刻体会到了人与自然的和谐共生。

Mountain climbing has given me a profound understanding of the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.


上一个 【汉语】姑娘变老太太幽默句子,中英对照 文章列表 下一个 【汉语】关于虔诚的唯美句子,中英对照



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