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时间: 2024-09-20 11:58:44


1. The butterfly's wings were perfectly symmetrical, with matching patterns on each side.(蝴蝶的翅膀完全对称,两侧的图案完全相同。)

2. The building's architecture featured symmetrical columns and a balanced facade.(建筑的结构特点是对称的柱子和平衡的立面。)

3. Her face was so symmetrical that she could have been a model.(她的脸部对称得像模特一样。)

4. The symmetrical design of the room made it feel spacious and harmonious.(房间的对称设计使其感觉宽敞和和谐。)

5. The math problem required finding the symmetrical axis of the shape.(这道数学问题要求找到形状的对称轴。)

6. The artist created a symmetrical composition using different shapes and colors.(艺术家用不同的形状和颜色创作了一个对称的构图。)

7. The symmetrical arrangement of the flowers in the garden was visually stunning.(花园中花朵的对称排列令人赏心悦目。)

8. The symmetrical pattern on the wallpaper added a sense of elegance to the room.(墙纸上的对称图案使房间增添了一种优雅的感觉。)

9. The symmetrical layout of the chessboard is essential for fair play.(象棋盘的对称布局对公平比赛至关重要。)

10. The symmetrical reflection of the mountains on the lake created a breathtaking scene.(湖面上山的对称倒影营造出了令人惊叹的景色。)

11. The symmetrical arrangement of the dancers added to the beauty of the performance.(舞者们的对称排列增添了表演的美感。)

12. The symmetrical structure of the molecule is crucial for its stability.(分子的对称结构对其稳定性至关重要。)

13. The symmetrical design of the new bridge was both functional and aesthetically pleasing.(新桥的对称设计既功能性强又美观。)

14. The symmetrical pattern of the snowflakes was mesmerizing as they fell from the sky.(雪花的对称图案在从天空飘落时令人着迷。)

15. The symmetrical layout of the garden paths made it easy to navigate through the various sections.(花园路径的对称布局使得在各个区域之间轻松导航。)

上一个 【英语】rhetoric的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】skeptical的例句



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