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时间: 2024-09-20 09:56:29


1. I'm skeptical about the new product's claims until I see some evidence to support them.(我对新产品的宣称持怀疑态度,直到看到一些证据支持它们。)

2. She was skeptical of his intentions, fearing that he might have ulterior motives.(她对他的意图持怀疑态度,担心他可能有别有用心。)

3. The scientist remained skeptical of the new theory until it was thoroughly tested and proven.(科学家对这个新理论持怀疑态度,直到经过彻底测试和证实。)

4. Many people are skeptical about the effectiveness of the new drug, given its lack of long-term studies.(许多人对这种新药的有效性持怀疑态度,因为缺乏长期研究。)

5. The investors were skeptical of the company's financial projections, leading to a lack of funding.(投资者对公司的财务预测持怀疑态度,导致资金不足。)

6. Despite the positive reviews, she remained skeptical of the restaurant's quality until she tried it herself.(尽管有积极的评论,她对这家餐厅的质量持怀疑态度,直到亲自尝试过才改变看法。)

7. The public was skeptical of the government's promises, given its history of broken commitments.(公众对政府的承诺持怀疑态度,鉴于其过去的失信记录。)

8. His skeptical attitude towards the supernatural made him dismiss any claims of paranormal activity.(他对超自然现象持怀疑态度,不相信任何关于超自然活动的说法。)

9. The journalist approached the story with a skeptical mindset, questioning every detail before publishing.(记者以怀疑的心态对待这个故事,在发表之前质疑每一个细节。)

10. The professor's skeptical nature led him to challenge traditional theories and seek new explanations.(教授的怀疑性格使他挑战传统理论,寻求新的解释。)

11. Despite the enthusiastic endorsements, she remained skeptical of the new diet plan's efficacy.(尽管有热情的推荐,她对这个新的饮食计划的功效持怀疑态度。)

12. The jury was skeptical of the defendant's alibi, finding it difficult to believe without concrete evidence.(陪审团对被告的不在场证据持怀疑态度,认为没有具体证据很难相信。)

13. Her skeptical nature made it challenging for her to trust others, often questioning their motives.(她的怀疑性格使她很难相信别人,经常质疑他们的动机。)

14. The team remained skeptical of the new manager's leadership abilities until they saw tangible improvements.(团队对新经理的领导能力持怀疑态度,直到看到实质性的改进。)

15. Despite the initial skepticism, the new technology proved to be a game-changer in the industry.(尽管最初持怀疑态度,但新技术证明在行业中具有改变游戏规则的影响。)

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