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时间: 2024-09-20 01:13:11


1. She is a newly appointed manager at the company. (她是公司新任命的经理。)

2. The newly renovated house looks stunning. (经过翻新的房子看起来很漂亮。)

3. The newlyweds went on their honeymoon to Hawaii. (新婚夫妇去夏威夷度蜜月。)

4. The newly formed team is already making great progress. (新组建的团队已经取得了很大进展。)

5. The newly developed software is more efficient than the old version. (新开发的软件比旧版本更高效。)

6. The newly elected president promised to bring about positive changes. (新当选的总统承诺带来积极的改变。)

7. The newly arrived immigrants are adjusting to their new surroundings. (新来的移民正在适应他们的新环境。)

8. The newly discovered species of plant is unique to this region. (这个地区发现的新物种植物是独一无二的。)

9. The newly released album has received great reviews from critics. (新发布的专辑得到了评论家的好评。)

10. The newly installed air conditioning system keeps the office comfortable. (新安装的空调系统让办公室保持舒适。)

11. The newly adopted puppy is getting along well with the family. (新领养的小狗和家人相处得很好。)

12. The newly opened restaurant is already popular among locals. (新开的餐馆已经在当地很受欢迎。)

13. The newly formed partnership aims to expand business opportunities. (新成立的合作伙伴关系旨在拓展业务机会。)

14. The newly designed website is user-friendly and visually appealing. (新设计的网站用户友好且视觉吸引。)

15. The newly launched product has generated a lot of interest among consumers. (新上市的产品引起了消费者的浓厚兴趣。)


1. 她是公司新任命的经理。

2. 经过翻新的房子看起来很漂亮。

3. 新婚夫妇去夏威夷度蜜月。

4. 新组建的团队已经取得了很大进展。

5. 新开发的软件比旧版本更高效。

6. 新当选的总统承诺带来积极的改变。

7. 新来的移民正在适应他们的新环境。

8. 这个地区发现的新物种植物是独一无二的。

9. 新发布的专辑得到了评论家的好评。

10. 新安装的空调系统让办公室保持舒适。

11. 新领养的小狗和家人相处得很好。

12. 新开的餐馆已经在当地很受欢迎。

13. 新成立的合作伙伴关系旨在拓展业务机会。

14. 新设计的网站用户友好且视觉吸引。

15. 新上市的产品引起了消费者的浓厚兴趣。

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