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时间: 2024-09-19 11:24:15


1. I read the news every morning to stay informed about current events.(我每天早上看新闻,以了解当前事件。)

2. The news of the earthquake spread quickly across the country.(地震的消息迅速传播到全国各地。)

3. She was shocked by the news of her friend's sudden death.(她对朋友突然去世的消息感到震惊。)

4. The news anchor reported on the latest developments in the ongoing conflict.(新闻主播报道了正在进行中的冲突的最新发展。)

5. I prefer to get my news from reliable sources rather than social media.(我更喜欢从可靠的来源获取新闻,而不是社交媒体。)

6. The news about the company's bankruptcy had a major impact on the stock market.(关于公司破产的消息对股市产生了重大影响。)

7. The news of her promotion was met with great excitement by her colleagues.(她晋升的消息让同事们非常兴奋。)

8. The news of the new vaccine breakthrough brought hope to many people.(新疫苗突破的消息给很多人带来了希望。)

9. The news coverage of the natural disaster raised awareness and prompted donations for relief efforts.(对自然灾害的新闻报道提高了人们的意识,并促使他们捐款救灾。)

10. She turned off the news because she couldn't handle the constant negativity.(她关掉了新闻,因为她无法忍受持续的消极情绪。)

11. The news bulletin interrupted the regular TV program to report on the breaking news.(新闻快报打断了常规的电视节目,报道了突发新闻。)

12. The news of the celebrity's engagement spread like wildfire on social media.(名人订婚的消息在社交媒体上迅速传播开来。)

13. The news anchor's emotional delivery of the tragic story moved many viewers to tears.(新闻主播对悲惨故事的情感表达让许多观众感动得流下了眼泪。)

14. The news conference provided an opportunity for the public to ask questions about the recent scandal.(新闻发布会为公众提供了问及最近丑闻的机会。)

15. The news report detailed the impact of the economic downturn on local businesses.(新闻报道详细介绍了经济衰退对当地企业的影响。)

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