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时间: 2024-09-17 13:20:06


1. I read the newspaper every morning to catch up on the latest news.(我每天早上读报纸,以了解最新消息。)

2. The newspaper reported on the local election results.(报纸报道了当地选举结果。)

3. My grandfather has been delivering newspapers for over 30 years.(我爷爷已经送报纸30多年了。)

4. She found her lost cat through an ad in the newspaper.(她通过报纸上的广告找到了她丢失的猫。)

5. The newspaper's editorial criticized the government's new policy.(报纸的社论批评了政府的新政策。)

6. I enjoy the crossword puzzle in the Sunday newspaper.(我喜欢周日报纸上的填字游戏。)

7. The newspaper published an article about the impact of technology on education.(报纸刊登了一篇关于技术对教育影响的文章。)

8. He wrapped fragile items in old newspaper before packing them.(他在打包前用旧报纸包裹易碎物品。)

9. The newspaper industry has faced challenges with the rise of digital media.(随着数字媒体的兴起,报业面临着挑战。)

10. She landed a job as a journalist at the local newspaper.(她在当地报纸上找到了一份记者的工作。)

11. The newspaper's front page featured a striking photograph of the protest.(报纸的头版刊登了一张引人注目的抗议照片。)

12. Many people still prefer to get their news from a traditional newspaper.(许多人仍然更喜欢从传统报纸上获取新闻。)

13. The newspaper's circulation has been declining in recent years.(近年来,报纸的发行量一直在下降。)

14. The newspaper's investigative report uncovered corruption within the local government.(报纸的调查报道揭露了当地政府内部的腐败。)

15. He recycled old newspapers to help reduce waste.(他回收旧报纸以减少废物。)



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