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时间: 2024-09-28 23:48:40


1. The cookies were baking in the oven, filling the kitchen with a delicious aroma.(饼干正在烤箱里烤着,把厨房充满了美味的香气。)

2. She preheated the oven to 350 degrees before putting the roast in.(她在把烤肉放入烤箱前,把烤箱预热到350度。)

3. I accidentally burned the pizza in the oven because I forgot to set a timer.(我不小心把披萨烤焦了,因为忘记了设置定时器。)

4. The oven door was left open, causing the kitchen to become uncomfortably warm.(烤箱门被留开了,导致厨房变得令人不舒服的温暖。)

5. My grandmother's oven is an antique, but it still works perfectly.(我祖母的烤箱是一件古董,但仍然完美运作。)

6. Please be careful when you're using the oven, it can get very hot.(使用烤箱时请小心,它会变得非常热。)

7. The bread dough needs to rise in a warm place, so I put it in the oven with the light on.(面团需要在温暖的地方发酵,所以我把它放在开着灯的烤箱里。)

8. The oven mitts protected my hands from the heat when I took the casserole out of the oven.(当我把砂锅从烤箱里取出来时,烤箱手套保护了我的手不受热。)

9. The new oven has a digital display and touch controls, making it easy to use.(新烤箱有数字显示屏和触控按钮,使用起来很方便。)

10. I love to bake lasagna in the oven, it always comes out so delicious.(我喜欢在烤箱里烤千层面,它总是烤得非常美味。)

11. The oven timer beeped, indicating that the cake was ready to be taken out.(烤箱计时器发出哔哔声,表示蛋糕已经烤好可以取出来了。)

12. The oven was smoking because I accidentally spilled some grease on the bottom.(烤箱冒烟了,是因为我不小心把一些油脂洒在了底部。)

13. We decided to have a barbecue instead of using the oven to avoid heating up the house.(我们决定烧烤,而不是使用烤箱,以避免加热房子。)

14. The oven light bulb needs to be replaced because it's no longer working.(烤箱的灯泡需要更换,因为它不再亮了。)

15. The chef skillfully roasted the duck in the wood-fired oven, giving it a delicious smoky flavor.(厨师巧妙地在用木柴火的烤炉里烤鸭,使它带有美味的烟熏味。)

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