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时间: 2024-09-28 21:42:31


1. I think I overestimated the time it would take to finish this project. (我想我高估了完成这个项目所需的时间。)

2. The teacher asked us not to go over the word limit for our essays. (老师要求我们不要超过论文的字数限制。)

3. The party was a bit over the top with all the decorations and food. (派对的装饰和食物有点过分了。)

4. Please don't hover over my shoulder while I'm working. (请不要在我工作时在我肩膀上方晃来晃去。)

5. I tend to obsess over small details, which can be a problem sometimes. (我倾向于过分关注细节,这有时可能会成为问题。)

6. The argument between the two friends escalated and got way over the line. (两个朋友之间的争吵升级并且过分了。)

7. She's been stressed out over the upcoming exams. (她对即将到来的考试感到很紧张。)

8. The debate over the new policy lasted for hours. (对于新政策的辩论持续了几个小时。)

9. He's been mulling over the decision for days. (他已经思考了几天这个决定。)

10. The company went bankrupt due to over-expansion. (由于过度扩张,公司破产了。)

11. The bridge collapsed under the weight of the overladen truck. (桥梁在过载的卡车重量下坍塌了。)

12. The meeting is running over, so we might be late for the next appointment. (会议进行时间过长,所以我们可能会迟到下一个约会。)

13. I can't believe you're still going on over that old argument. (我简直不敢相信你还在继续谈论那个旧争论。)

14. She's always fussing over her appearance. (她总是为自己的外表烦恼不已。)

15. The sun is setting over the horizon. (太阳在地平线上方落山。)

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