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时间: 2024-09-20 08:12:57


1. She couldn't shake off the sadness that enveloped her after the loss of her beloved pet. 她无法摆脱因为失去心爱的宠物而笼罩着她的悲伤。

2. The sadness in his eyes was evident as he spoke about his failed relationship. 当他谈到失败的恋爱关系时,他眼中的悲伤显而易见。

3. The movie's portrayal of the protagonist's deep sadness resonated with many viewers. 电影对主人公深切悲伤的描绘引起了许多观众的共鸣。

4. Despite her efforts to hide it, her sadness was palpable to those who knew her well. 尽管她努力掩饰,但她的悲伤对那些了解她的人来说是明显的。

5. The sudden news of his friend's passing plunged him into a deep sadness. 他突然得知朋友去世的消息让他陷入了深深的悲伤之中。

6. The sadness in her voice was unmistakable as she spoke about her family's financial struggles. 当她谈到家庭的经济困难时,她声音中的悲伤是无可置疑的。

7. His music often reflects the deep sadness he experienced during his difficult childhood. 他的音乐经常反映出他在艰难的童年时期所经历的深切悲伤。

8. The loneliness and sadness of the abandoned puppy touched the hearts of the rescue workers. 被遗弃的小狗的孤独和悲伤触动了救援人员的心。

9. She found solace in writing poetry as a way to express her inner sadness. 她通过写诗来表达内心的悲伤找到了慰藉。

10. The sadness of the war-torn country was evident in the eyes of its people. 战乱国家人民眼中的悲伤是显而易见的。

11. His sudden departure left a lingering sadness in the hearts of his loved ones. 他的突然离开给他的亲人留下了持久的悲伤。

12. The old man's eyes held a quiet sadness as he gazed out at the setting sun. 老人凝视着落日,眼中流露出一种宁静的悲伤。

13. The sadness of the abandoned children haunted the social worker long after she had left the orphanage. 被遗弃的孩子们的悲伤让社会工作者在离开孤儿院后长久萦绕心头。

14. The news of the natural disaster brought a wave of sadness to the affected communities. 自然灾害的消息给受灾社区带来了一波悲伤。

15. Despite the sadness of the situation, she found strength in the support of her friends and family. 尽管处境悲伤,她在朋友和家人的支持下找到了力量。

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