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时间: 2024-09-20 10:27:33


1. I always feel safe when I'm with my family. (我和家人在一起时总是感到安全。)

2. Make sure to keep your valuables in a safe place. (确保把贵重物品放在安全的地方。)

3. The lifeguard is there to keep the swimmers safe. (救生员在那里确保游泳者的安全。)

4. It's important to have a safe environment for children to play in. (对于孩子们来说,有一个安全的环境进行游戏很重要。)

5. Please make sure the doors are locked to keep the house safe. (请确保门锁好,让房子保持安全。)

6. The company has strict safety regulations to keep employees safe. (公司有严格的安全规定,确保员工的安全。)

7. The safe arrival of the astronauts was celebrated by the whole nation. (宇航员的平安抵达受到了全国的庆祝。)

8. He kept his important documents in a secure safe. (他把重要文件放在一个安全的保险柜里。)

9. The hikers were relieved to reach a safe shelter before the storm hit. (在暴风雨来临之前,徒步旅行者松了一口气找到了一个安全的避难所。)

10. The safe handling of hazardous materials is crucial in the chemical industry. (在化工行业中,危险物质的安全处理至关重要。)

11. The refugees finally found a safe haven after escaping from the war-torn country. (难民们在逃离战乱的国家后终于找到了一个安全的避难所。)

12. The safe return of the missing child brought joy to the entire community. (失踪儿童的安全归来给整个社区带来了喜悦。)

13. The bank manager assured customers that their money was safe in the vault. (银行经理向客户保证他们的钱在保险库里是安全的。)

14. The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major concern for environmentalists. (核废料的安全处理是环保人士的一个主要关注点。)

15. The safe operation of the nuclear power plant is monitored closely by regulatory agencies. (核电站的安全运行受到监管机构的密切监督。)

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